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A sad article...



  • The problem with the app store is that these days the top 100 are dominated by big publishers. Take Big Fish Games for an example. They reach so many of the customers with new games that they can push a new game automatically into the top 100. Watch this and maybe it is an eye opener for you too:

    It was for me. Sadly Gideros still does not support desktop so I have to use different tools. But targeting mobile will not be my main goal anymore.

    Likes: phongtt

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  • techdojotechdojo Guru
    edited February 2013
    For me the video showed that platform is largely irrelevant, it's the idea, the concept that's important. Yes you need desktop and ALSO mobile and so I think a native client for Gideros should be a priority, cross platform across ALL platforms.

    Quote from ~11:00 "If it's good, it'll sell" - so show your game to BigFish, they're in the market to make money, they'll partner with you, they've got nothing to loose and everything to gain - if they don't want you game, then that should tell you something.

    Make a better game!

    UPDATE : Another thought occurred to me - it's all about your "WHY", why are you making games, is it a hobby, are you doing it as a business, do you make games that YOU want to play or games that have a higher chance of being commercially successful ???
    WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play!
    #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
  • "it will sell" because they have the channel and marketing power to sell it. You WILL make significant money with them. No doubt about it. But there is no guarantee that you will make significant money with the same game on your own.
  • techdojotechdojo Guru
    edited February 2013
    And your point is?

    Just partner with Big Fish (or any other Publisher that is successful at selling the kind of games you want to make)

    There are plenty of times in the video when Paul tells the developers when it would be better to self publish vs publishing with Big Fish.

    UPDATE : Maybe I should clarify my point here...
    "it will sell" because they have the channel and marketing power to sell it. You WILL make significant money with them. No doubt about it.
    It's also because they set a high barrier to entry so they only accept quality (or will work with developers to ensure quality), selling quality is easier than selling crap.

    WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play!
    #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
  • Yes, if you can partner up with BFG you will make money. That is my point.

    But I stop here. Obviously you have a different point of view try to degrade my post as nonsence. Have a nice day.
  • ????

    Have you actually tried partnering with Big Fish? Looking at the content they offer I doubt if there is ANYBODY currently using Gideros - and active on the forum at the moment (possibly with the exception of Plamen) who has a product of sufficient quality or content to be accepted by Big Fish (and this harks back to my often repeated mantra of "Make a Better Game")

    Actually I watched the entire video all the way through and did nothing to degrade your post, I realise you've not probably had the success you originally intended on mobile and maybe desktop is the way for you to go. Am I right in thinking this is the intention behind your other post about compatibility between Gideros and Love2D ?

    I 100% (in fact 1000%) agree that having a Gideros option for native desktop would be a VERY GOOD thing - as can be evidenced from the video above, it would allow developers the opportunity to access a massive market and then continue to develop their idea and exploit mobile opportunities in the most efficient manner possible.

    Look at the games BigFish make, look who their market is - Soccer Mom's, bored Secretary's - the other BILLION people who use or have access to computers and don't know (or care) anything about technology, operating systems, much less programming, people who consume content like water, the kind of people who want their entertainment served to them on a plate like watching daily soap operas and don't care how or where it comes from.

    I've played 100's if not thousands of games now on mobile and I've yet to find ONE traditional console style "arcade game" that works well on a touchscreen, you just don't get the feedback you do from a controller so obviously if you try to make a controller based arcade game your severely handicapping yourself from the get-go. Hack's like "auto-fire" or AI droids don't "add to the experience" they just dumb things down (not to mention the fact that half your screen is then covered by your hands).

    Ouya (and GameStick) would be a massive step in the right direction (and would allow the creation of decent arcade style games), but Mobile (touch screen based) games are a new beast, that needs a new style of gameplay which is why Match3 and other puzzlers work so well.

    Big Fish know this, they know their market, they give their market what they want - and the numbers speak for themselves.

    This isn't aimed at you Mike so don't take offence - but being indie, means just that - your independent, ie - you've got to do it ALL yourself, this includes learning about business, market analysis etc etc and if you can't (or wont) do this then you HAVE to partner with someone who is as passionate about this as you (or me or the rest of us) are about development. Jake Birkett (Grey Alien Games) understands this - he went from indie to working full time for BigFish in Vancouver to back being indie - but I'd bet dollars that his take on being indie now is a LOT different than it was before, and his bank balance is going to reflect that!

    It's got feck all to do with integrity or the "freedom" or ability to "do what you want, when you want" being an "indie" is a lifestyle choice but at the end of the day it's just another way of paying the bills and feeding the family, a successful indie is only a success because of his (or her) ability to play the "business" game successfully...

    WhiteTree Games - Home, home on the web, where the bits and bytes they do play!
    #MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
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  • I have just seen your game,It is amazing.
    I would buy that,and I am very picky.
    If you keep that quality I know you will hit it big my friend.
    In fact I use that article to prove it wrong.
  • pacolittpacolitt Member
    edited July 2014
    i know to about minecraft documentary, i personally like very much this game i spend at least 24 h per weekend to play with my friends on a very big mc server
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