I have googled around I can't find a good benchmark of gideros, I know for a fact that developers really care about performance, perhaps this really could be a great marketing tool for gideros and also to reassure the devs that are already using it

PS: glad to be back
Hope this helps.
basically it boils down to how many display objects can be shown on the screen at the same time before the performance starts to degrade..
Atilim has been working particularly on the benchmarking for quite some time and Android performance is far more superior than other (Lua based) frameworks out there.
For example, after a dev pointed out the slowness of tilemap implementation he added the automatic clipping support in tilemaps and now you can work with huge tilemaps without compromising performance.
But it's always a plus that you run your own tests objectively (including all issues you bump into) and share everything openly here, so we understand the bottlenecks, and take corrective & preventive actions - even warn the developers beforehand. We'd be glad to see any qualitative and quantitative test results you could share with us, just like Gianluca did in one of his posts.
Note: For some reasons, we (specifically, Gideros Team) do not want to compare Gideros Studio with any frameworks, including big ones like Flash & Flash Lite :-) This is something we wish to leave to our developers so to let them choose the framework of their own. Otherwise one starts feeling like you are a fanboy of your own tool - yes we do *love* our job, but positive interaction, honesty & objectiveness should come first, even before Gideros
Likes: MikeHart
Hi! like gorkem said i've do some little tests to compare Gideros VS other sdk
personally i think Gideros had the best balance from usabilty and performaces.
on android it run very very fast and smooth (compared with other sdk, sorry but i have not tested on ios device... ahhhrggg! my son!!).
now i'm make a little game (to learn gideros SDK and lua) and i'm really happy with performaces considered that i use heavy physics (with custom shapes, joints, etc) and animated sprites, etc
i also coded the same game with Mon*ey but on android the performances was very low (i think that box2d in Mo*key kill the performaces). (on my samsung galaxy S).
another things is that the Gideros Team have the best support i ever seen. (just see my continuos questions on the forum!!!)
this days i'm very busy at work (just found a moment to write this post) and the coding of my game is slowed down, but i hope to publish the game in a week or two!..
after that you can test Gideros on a "real" (real is a big world
@gorkem thanks for the reply, I respect your take on the benchmark, perhaps I can do a quick one on my own and share it