I've created a game using the code I'm providing in my tutorials to demo what you are capable of doing using Gideros Mobile if you follow my lessons.
There will soon be published a small demo game called "Square Dodge" on my site. Using that example source code and extending it, you can make a game like this!
Grumpy Cat is now in the Google Play store.
Apparently images of Grumpy Cat are copyright See here.
You could end up in a lot of hot water if someone decided to report the app. I think you might be OK giving it away free but selling your app without licensing the image may be infringing on the cat owners IP.
This is just a heads up as Grumpy Cat is a well known internet meme & I know there are a lot of Grumpy Cat apps on Google Play.
The majority of them are free but I noticed your app appears 8th in the list if you search for Grumpy Cat on Google Play.
I'm only interested warning members of this forum that there may be consequences to selling something using copyright images without the holder's permission.
If someone sees your app and knows of the page I linked to then the cat owners could prosecute AND your developer account WILL be cancelled by Google.
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Well it looks like they are APPLYING for IP and Copyright but don't have it.
In any case I guess I'll change it...