We are OK. No need to worry. But Atılım and I, both support the protests full time (we are on the streets all the time), so give us a couple of days to be active on the forum (I hope things will be better in a few days). In the mean time, please feel free to discuss anything. We will be back as soon as we can.
There's nothing to worry about, we're tired but good. You can search twitter for #direngeziparki and #occupygezi to get latest photos. For example, here is a marriage proposal while resisting:
The one thing that I don't get is is if some parkland was being cleared for a mall and people protesting against it, why did the government have to employ such heavy handed tactics? Does a mall mean so much to the government that they have to construct one for the people? or does it have a vested interest there? it is sad to see people suffer and this get out of hand. it is shameful to see such senseless violence in the modern world.
@atilim it's nice to hear that you guys are safe and also nice to hear from you after such a long time. Hope we shall be hearing a lot from you in the coming days
I think it is more of government not letting people to have a saying and trying to crush the opposition down to its roots to take control, while all people want is to be listened to and have a freedom of choice. How all of this will unwrap will basically shape the future of their country.
I, for one, absolutely support your cause and admire your resolve. However, you have a responsibility to your daughter and your customers to avoid risk of blindness, injury or death. I know the protest is very important, but the people are already very well represented on the streets.
Please consider your safety and your future very seriously. You might think you are sitting in a safe position right now, but police could arrive and things could get dangerous suddenly and unavoidably.
We are relying on you for our respective businesses and your daughter is relying on you for many more years of education and protection.
Kate's Catalogue of Travelling Theatre Centres : Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour. She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Protests are increasing and looks like it won't end for some time. Till now there are 90 protests in 50+ different places and police arrested nearly 2000. Some provocations do occur and prime minister has gone abroad to calm things down but I suspect he can.
Thanks for your concerns. Thanks for all your support. Do not worry. We are secure and safe.
We are extremely careful. We are avoiding close contact. Yesterday in Taksim, it was like a festival. But at night things changed. We can not foresee what will happen, but we will be back as soon as we can.
My friends in Athens and I commend you on your stance against your government and Erdogans "democracy". All these protests in so many Turkish cities can't be just about the park near Taksim which was planned to be yet another mall. It's more than that. This I feel is the beginning of something new in Turkey.
There's nothing to worry about, we're tired but good. You can search twitter for #direngeziparki and #occupygezi to get latest photos. For example, here is a marriage proposal while resisting:
Likes: fxone, hgvyas123, Scouser
it is sad to see people suffer and this get out of hand. it is shameful to see such senseless violence in the modern world.
@atilim it's nice to hear that you guys are safe and also nice to hear from you after such a long time. Hope we shall be hearing a lot from you in the coming days
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
How all of this will unwrap will basically shape the future of their country.
Likes: fxone
On behalf of your daughter and your customers,
I, for one, absolutely support your cause and admire your resolve. However, you have a responsibility to your daughter and your customers to avoid risk of blindness, injury or death. I know the protest is very important, but the people are already very well represented on the streets.
Please consider your safety and your future very seriously. You might think you are sitting in a safe position right now, but police could arrive and things could get dangerous suddenly and unavoidably.
We are relying on you for our respective businesses and your daughter is relying on you for many more years of education and protection.
Please secure your safety.
Likes: hgvyas123, vitalitymobile, Scouser, phongtt
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Likes: fxone, hgvyas123, Scouser
Do not worry. We are secure and safe.
We are extremely careful. We are avoiding close contact. Yesterday in Taksim, it was like a festival. But at night things changed. We can not foresee what will happen, but we will be back as soon as we can.
Likes: vitalitymobile, fxone, hgvyas123, Scouser, SinisterSoft
My friends in Athens and I commend you on your stance against your government and Erdogans "democracy". All these protests in so many Turkish cities can't be just about the park near Taksim which was planned to be yet another mall. It's more than that. This I feel is the beginning of something new in Turkey.
Stay safe guys, but don't give in.
Jim from Athens.
Power to the People