Hi all,
Ive been in IT for about 25 years. Ranging from Programmer, Analyst, Project/Team Leader, Business Analyst, Currently working as an Analyst Developer as i just like to play too much. Ive worked in these languages: Cobol,VBA,Perl,C,Unix,Progress,Ingres, Java, Android SDK.
Ive wanted to build games for phones back when Java SE was the rage. so i tinkered in that with not much progress.
Im an Androidian now. Recently, i started learning Native Android, watched as many YouTube videos i could find.
Built a few tiny apps, and even published them in Google Play to get the feel of how to do it. Sold 4 x 0.99c Apps (go me!), and 300 of the free app.
My Application Manager at work is a true Apple fan with all the latest bits. So he is learning IOS/XCode. its a real Spy vs Spy situation... He is developing an app for work relating to our current systems, and im always saying where's the Android version....
Thinking for My Games and potentially for work apps. I looked around for a multi-platform solution, found a few, but liked the look and price of Gideros.
I have a work in progress little game im building to learn Gideros now, for Android initially as im familiar with the SDK/Publishing etc.
I like how easy the code plugs together compared to the Native Android, and the potential to publish on IOS/Android.
Arty = giderosDude:new()
by the way your code is just half it should be like
Arty = giderosDude:new()
giderosDude.new() and usual practice is to name GiderosClasses using first letter of the word caps, including first word, instances are usually called small letter first, but maybe its just my practice
Oh and @ArtLeeApps as you'll see, we love to get off-topic
And welcome
Likes: hgvyas123
Arty = giderosDude.new()
Likes: fxone, hgvyas123
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
@fxone, I've never been an Apple fan, it started back on the Macintosh when it was like the OS wasn't accessible. Viva la DOS lol
@ar2rsawseen so using your standards, would that make the final code. With the capital "G".
It's always confusing when each language has their own differences ...
Arty = GiderosDude.new()
On my daily train trips to work, I've been reading the API Reference, what else!....
I love this one....
I keep asking myself at work, "Body, is sleeping allowed?"
I always get back a false
Likes: hgvyas123, fxone
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
G'day, Arty.
Welcome to the family.
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
1. The forum is all about learning and still includes a lot of off-topic stuff
Spirits and Coffee do not go well with me. I still try to search for Pastis, could not find it anywhere in Australia, majority haven't heard about it and those that have aren't sure if they've seen it anywhere. They mix up Absinthe with Pastis which is not the same. (Off-topic, see how it is)
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
I used to see Pastis everywhere/every day because my hometown is next to where Pastis was born. Pastis + olives + sea view + pétanque. I might be able to send you a bottle when I return if you really want (by pm).
Any idea what you were struggling with, and why your apps didn't sell more?
@Scouser thanks, im getting that impression..
@Platypus.. Thank you, is it like a cult.. do i need to walk over a path of broken nokia phones or something ?
@OZApps, yes i can see there is lots of knowledgeable people here! i think ive come to the right place !
My little mark in the world starts here, these are the small Native Android apps that i did early on trying to understand how to build stuff, and publish it, they are not complex
i then started on a small game in Android, then i decided to switch to a language i could publish on both Android and IOS, so i started again in Gideros..
Expect lots of stupid questions
Bubble Adventure - Colors
The other one is Marco Polo, based on the old game you call out to people, my girlfriend and I recorded our voices and put them into the buttons picking a random recording, to play with making sound, menus, and resizing for different android screens , and using AdMob. Thats the free one.. with 200+ downloads... so all up ive made like around $10 for the apps and the ads lol
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps