Our first game, Letter Stack, is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

App Store:
Please check it out and let me know what you think!
http://pushpoke.com/letterstack/Built with Gideros! Using BhWax, Parse, Facebook, Flurry, Chartboost, Crashlytics.
Thanks to the Gideros community for the great support!
Likes: krisis
Likes: krisis
Best regards
Likes: krisis
What backend do you use? like Parse or something like that
Likes: krisis
Best regards
@bowerandy - yep, just wanted something subtle to add a bit of life to the menus.
Likes: krisis
Likes: krisis
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Good luck!!
Likes: krisis
Likes: krisis
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
Likes: krisis
Likes: krisis
Bubble Adventure - Colors
If you would want some feedback read on, or you can skip it from here on.
1. While moving the blocks sometimes it disrupts the other blocks even if the block being moved is the top most
2. Why does a block turn orange? Specially if it the bottom most?
3. Pull to refresh changes the text, but if the screen is moved back within the safe zone, the text does not revert back, it still says release to refresh, but does not refresh.
It is indeed fun because it makes one think in reverse to make the word, so jest has to be thought of as T-S-E-J or J-E-T-S which is a good brain exercise and good that your dictionary caters for multiple variations, like STOP, POTS or OPTS which are all valid.
Likes: krisis
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Likes: hgvyas123
TAKE is a valid word as is TEAK (the only one accepted by your app)
There are times when the words are all stacked up but are not recognized till you nudge them a bit (throw them into the air) so must be a physics collision thing.
Would you want to consider adding more words (5 letters, etc?) the 4 letter ones get a bit repetitive after a while.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
1) Yeh, I spent a lot of time tweaking the stickiness with beta testers. Some people have suggested locking the blocks when you lift them but its lower on the priority list.
2) after 10 seconds it turns the first letter of the word orange as a hint. However, you can form any word with the letters so you may have solved with a different one then the one the game chose.
3) thanks, hadn't caught that edge case.
TAKE and TEAK are in the dictionary, but as you mention it occasionally doesn't recognise the word without nudging them. I've found it happens very rarely though.
I do have both 5 and 6 letter dictionaries in the game but most beta testers found it too hard so they are turned off. The 4 letter list is also filtered down to ~2500 words (out of ~5000 possible) so as to only chose words that most people would know. It lets you solve against the full dictionary though (I.e. if JETS was in the 2500 but you put JEST). I need to tweak the randomiser a bit as there are certain words which get repeated more often using the current method. I may make the 3rd round 5 letters or something in the future.
What is your username in the game? I'll take you on in a game
Thanks again for the feedback.
- krisis
I wrote a script that converts a dictionary txt file to a Lua table with each letter as a key. E.g.
FourLetter = {a={r={g={h=1,s=1}}},b={a={t={h=1,s=1}}}}
In order to store the words "argh", "args", "bath", "bats".
It has O(1) lookup and is much more compact memory wise then storing each word separately. It also means it is preloaded on startup rather than parsing a txt file.
If you wanted something more hardcore you could look at something like http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_word_graph
- krisis
BTW, your game is fun as we had everyone downloading it and playing madly against each other and once in a while cursing that the app did not accept the word
BTW, the Play Again button is a bit misleading, and one ends up clicking it to start a new game that they cannot get out of other than by resigning the game. Where as one would expect the main menu button to be there by default.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
specially with double the points to you @krisis...
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Blocks getting stuck as in the word not registering? Are you seeing it happen often? I personally haven't had it happen to me in the last hundred games but it may be the method I use to stack. I do have a potential fix but not sure of there will be a performance impact.
I usually let people beat me or only just beat them to encourage them to play again but you had a good score so i thought I'd give you a higher score to aim for
- krisis
The scoring is based on the time taken to create the word, right? or is there something else 'coz achieving a 30,000 is realistic but 60,000, how do you manage that? What are the tips to do that... :-O
Tips would be welcome for all players and maybe even on your website. This is a good showcase app like Game42 made with Gideros.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
I'm thinking about using Parse purely for the simplicity in implementing push messages. But, if I understand it correctly, each push message needs several other API calls to make it work. You are obviously using the API calls much more in Letter Stack- what do you think your installed base will have to be to require moving to the Pro plan?
best regards
Thanks for the explanation, that would be some task to get as many common words as you deem worthy of the list too. I'm guessing if you want to support multi languages, you would only download the dictionary for that country, based on the users settings.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
I was able to get 100,000 once using all the powerups, but generally get 50k-70k without. Maybe I'll put together a video showing how I do it, but basically I can figure most words out before they hit the floor, then just drag them up and down onto the stack as quickly as possible (don't just release it, or throw it against the wall). The more you play, the more familiar you get with the words.
They have partial usage pricing for each tier, so you don't necessary need to jump straight to $199/mo, though it does include other useful features and functionality. Free plan you pay 7c/1000 requests or 7c/1000 push notifs when you hit the limit.
If you consider the cost of running and maintaining your own infrastructure to support the same number of users and API calls then I think it's a pretty good deal.