We would now have more thing to look forward to in the coming year 2014,
OpenGLES 3.0
64-bit Mobile devices (Compatibility hell)
Amazing Sensors and Hardware
The list doesn't stop there, Apple might have taken the lead but other manufacturers will follow suit. Intel is already all Quarky on this.
The point was that Lua is potable but will we have to re-compile our code for both 32-bit and 64-bit to allow it to run on the new 64-bit? Wonderful days ahead...
[edit] or iphone5s ?
Apparently there will be a "seamless developer transition" *ahem*
Likes: hgvyas123
Likes: ar2rsawseen
1. If you use luac with a lua program, you get a compiled lua file (bytecode).
2. Gideros, Corona compile the source code into bytecode and embed into the app to protect the source from casual browsing.
3. Lua bytecode is portable, however it is specific to the platform and size, it can be a 32-bit or a 64-bit
4. If you have brought any compiled library from me, you would get a 32-bit that you need to include with your app and a 64-bit that you need to use for the desktop Gideros player.
Now that the iPoneS will be a 64-bit processor, the luaVM will reject the file stating that it is incompatible.
MacOSX uses 64-bit, windows and mobiles use(d) 32-bit.
So would all of the Lua based apps just fail on the new iPhoneS ?? That is my question.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
It's like the transition 32-64 on PCs. Most PC are now 64 bit but most programs remain 32-bit (some are no longer maintained but in many cases devs see no advantage converting to 64 bit) but I've not heard of any compatibility issues...
Likes: hgvyas123
Likes: hgvyas123
1) You need more than 4 Gb RAM
2) You need to lots do integer arithmetic with 64-bit integers.
3) Compiler can potentially optimize better due to more registers (not a 64-bit issue per se)
Neither looks greatly relevant to most mobile apps. No device currently has more than 4Gb. Most arithmetic, including games, is done on floating point not integer, and this is on the FPU so 64 bit makes no difference (correct me if I'm wrong). Lua doesn't even support integers! Even if you do need integer arithmetic, how often do you need 64-bit integers? Only for cryptography I think and this is not a common activity on mobile phones...
On the other hand, the Infinity Blade folks say their 64 bit version is better perhaps due to point (3) which is more to do with the new design than 64 vs 32 bit...
Also http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmdev/2013-September/065480.html -> here it says it will take at least several months to release LLVM backend for 64-bit A7.