Hi all,
Finally my first Gideros App, Android version.
Ive never been an Apple dude, but ill have to buy one just to build xcode in future lol
Yes, you can never have too many Bubble games

Its a free download ->
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artleeapps.bubbleadventurecolors(Give it some time, i JUST Published it.)
Id like to thank you all for your help, this an excellent forum with brilliant people.

Will check it out
Bubble Adventure - Colors
like how after you upload, for some reason you have to add another facebook hash key to facebook, i dont understand that.. but you can find the number as it show it in the error the first time.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
I had to add the new hash key to Facebook for the production version.
The only way i could find the key was to run the app and read the error message. Is there a way of knowing the key before you publish the app ?
But I'm happy it's out there now :-)
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Likes: OZApps
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Likes: phongtt
Congolese rodents.
Likes: phongtt
Meet Kate. Grey is her favourite colour. Maths is her favourite subject. Decency is her favourite type of behaviour.
She definitely does not like jewellery or modelling, but loves aeroplanes and other machines made of aluminium.
1. congo rats
Jungle rats! only from the congo! and.. congratulatory!
simply a new way people have started saying congratulations in games, instead of congrats, most often said when someone levels up.
Congo rats on level 10!
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=congo rats
Likes: hgvyas123, phongtt
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Are Posts like money... getting the first 1000 is always the hardest.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Likes: hgvyas123
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Just a curious question, my app has been on the Google market for about 2 weeks, and i have only had 2 new (meaning not me) installs......1 i know is a friend of a friend...
Given that fact its only a small common bubble type game, which the market is full of from Newbies as me.... is there something i could do to help the downloads ?
- its a free game (with IAP)
- i have a website, that points to my apps on google.
- i have a blog post i use to post new games.
- i have a share FB button in the game (post install)
- i have a button in the game pointing to my site/ contacts etc (post install)
- i have played levels and posted via the game on my FB wall so it shows to my friends.
- i have a FB "Page" for ArtLee apps, just to list the game updates. (only have 9 likes so far from friends.)
- i am planning in future to build this and other games for IOS.
- i have a native android app called Marco Polo, that was my first Native Android app, its only 4 buttons and wav sounds, that had over 400+ download lol.
Any tips please.......
Bubble Adventure - Colors
You don't own any sort of traffic (website, mailing list, community) and you didn't list tasks that you do to actually reach customers.
You don't need tips, you need to make a list of people that you would reach directly so you can hear what they think about your app / iterate / improve / sell.
Once you get positive feedback (and reality check) and a few people enjoy it, then you can scale.
Social networks and other things are useless if you don't actively build your list of customers. Those are tasks to keep you away from the *real* work.
I know it's more comfortable to keep a distance from talking to customers but there are no shiny tactics.
Here is the only advice you need : make a list of 10 people to mail every week.
Ask them if they would be kind enough to download and install your game, and tell you what they **really** think about your app.
**Listen** to them. Iterate quickly. Once they like it enough, ask them if they know each 3 people that they could introduce you to.
Once you reach a certain list size, ask them if they would be kind enough to leave a review that reflects what they think of the latest version of your app.
Leverage the relationship you have built with them.
There is no secret, that's the way to do it.
If it sounds hard, that's because it is.
But you can do it
1. Change your icon and screenshot, it must looks more professional (google how to make a good app icon)
2. Off store marketing take many effort but lack efficiency, for example: my facebook app has about 150 daily users, 27 of them share story and it drive only 1 install. The same for posting on forum, etc..
3. I can't find your game with keyword "bubble" or "bubble game". With the keyword "bubble adventure" which is very close to your app name, you still rank #86. Sure you will see that people is impossible reaching your game => try to learn about App Store Optimization
4. Finally, always try to make an unique and quality game
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
Another thing is that the gfx (icons, screenshots) on GPlay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artleeapps.bubbleadventurecolors) doesn't seem very attractive.
up until now my user group has been my spouse, her sister and a couple of friends at work. i have a total of 6 downloads. 4 on my devices (my phone/tablet and my spouse phone/tablet), 1 my spouses friend, 1 a dude in Venezuela. im doing a 100kilometer cycling event this month, i could fill a bag with marketing 3inch pieces of paper and litter the streets as i ride
@phongtt - the quality or the screenshots are no good ?
i didnt really spend lots of time making those up, i was too eager to get it out there... Thanks for your reply.
@thanhquan1512 - i have just googled and read a few pages on app store optimization, about the title keyword, x5 keyword in the description, reviews, downloads, etc..thank you!.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Imagine that you would be asked to invest money in your app, like advertising. If you are not feeling that you should pay for advertise of this game, it means its not your A game and you can do better
so as you say, its not my "A" game, more like my Newbie game. i have a list of ideas that started a year ago and i add to it via OneNote all the time. the next one i want to try client/server data transferring etc. so thats another learning curve.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
I guess the biggest shift happens when you are clear about your goals and expectations.
If you are doing it for fun, no need to bother with marketing and more. Lower your expectations and just have fun doing it. You (most) probably won't make money from it but you will enjoy freedom and a great hobby.
You can also do it on the side, iterate slowly, explore new things, and experiment.
If you want it to be a business and an additional income stream, then your goal should be to be profitable first and for that you need (have to, and that's the only thing that counts) listen to the market.
There is not a better choice than the other, the problem is that most people struggle by staying in the middle : they want to enjoy developing games "like they want" but "money is evil and only apps with big budgets can dominate the market" (I'm not saying that this is your point of view, you seem to be aware of all of that).
Here is an example of the mindset you need to open to if you want to make it profitable : Can independent developers make money from children's apps? (for kids, but relevant anyway).
Enjoying ourselves is the main goal : whether it is by developing apps (the process), or developing apps to build an amount of resources to enjoy another way.
We are all here pursuing happiness, in some way. So let's enjoy the journey
I read the article, as you say, enjoy the journey. Its been said, just do what you love doing. if something comes from it, then thats a bonus
Likes: ar2rsawseen
Bubble Adventure - Colors
i found an Icon Maker for IOS?Android for all sizes.
so ive tried this for the 512 Marketing and the Launcher icons...
Bubble Adventure - Colors