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iOS7 barcode scanning plugin - crowdsourcing Gideros API design? — Gideros Forum

iOS7 barcode scanning plugin - crowdsourcing Gideros API design?

ianchiaianchia Member
edited October 2013 in Plugins
Hi all,

I've been playing with the new APIs for barcode scanning built into iOS7 and it's pretty trivial to make a Gideros plugin for it - but I'm just wondering about the API design. What would be the best way to go about it? Open up the AVCapture (eg. Camera view) and then return a value to Lua when a number of samples of the barcode are the same (eg. the iOS7 SDK returns the value, and if it returns the same value 5 times in a row, then we have confirmation that the barcode or QR code is accurate), or do you think I should do a callback to a Lua function?

I'm happy to make a plugin for the community, but I would like get some input on the best way forward for the plugin's API so that it would be useful.


- Ian

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