At the meeting:
"Short in fund, let's make a small game with ads."
"Just don't think too much, and make it as fast as you can."
Turned out we put much of our time, even if it's just meant to be small game.
Ah well, enough ranting.
Anyway, here is the link to the game~
:Cosmo Ship:
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
btw, There is blank (black) space in my galaxy tab 7, maybe it is your purpose or not
@vitalitymobile :
Hmm.. Where is the blank space? i didn't see anything peculiar on your screenshot.
Maybe it is the ship movement area?
(On menu screen, if ads is not received or blocked, there will be a black space)
Oh yeah. That's it.
"Space is vast, but don't go too far kid."
Likes: vitalitymobile
Likes: vitalitymobile
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Hey, congratulations
So is that a rewarding strategy (in terms of profits) to "make a small game with ads" to get more funds?
That was the primary goal of making that game so has it already been a proven strategy for your company in the past, or is that new release proving this strategy to work?
they are the little addictive games that everyone cant stop playing with.. so to advertise your company on one of those type of games would be a good thing id reckon.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
I'm still young, and so our company. Actually this is the first time we made a game with ads.
For people who do real business, searching for investor and such, or having IAP strategy might be a better solution. We just have our own circumstance, which made us doing our way... :-S
As for now, it still not bear any good fruit. But we still glad that we made it, and we even plan to update it a few month later. \:D/
@ArtLeeApps :
Thanks, will tell the marketing person.
We updated Cosmo Ship with 60 more ship, and added 2 more Mode of gameplay.
One of them is Co-op mode, we used @ar2rsawseen 's Unite.lua. You can find the source here:
But we still need do some modification, for example handling when device is connected to server's room, and then disconnected (removing it from the server, by using timer at server to check the client's availability.) There might be more, but it's just minor change.
It might be the last update, but it sure bring much experience.