I released a game earlier this year (Ice Fishing Derby). Most users enjoy it, but a few get crashes I've been unable to explain or (until now) reproduce. Now I've updated to the latest Gideros Studio, tested again in the player, exported, rebuilt in Eclipse, and the app now crashes for me within a few seconds on my phone. Eclipse can run or debug the app in an emulator without any problems, just like it runs in the Gideros player, also works debugging or running on a tablet, but if I try to run or debug on the phone it runs for a few seconds and quits. I'm not seeing any warnings or errors on the LogCat.
Anyone have any suggestions for other ways to troubleshoot a crash happening only on a physical device?
10-23 08:50:51.906: I/dalvikvm(1753): Debugger is active
10-23 08:50:51.913: I/System.out(1753): Debugger has connected
10-23 08:50:51.913: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:52.121: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:52.320: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:52.515: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:52.718: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:52.924: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:53.124: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:53.326: I/System.out(1753): waiting for debugger to settle...
10-23 08:50:53.527: I/System.out(1753): debugger has settled (1446)
10-23 08:50:53.804: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libgideros.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.913: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libgideros.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.913: D/dalvikvm(1753): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libgideros.so 0x40517578, skipping init
10-23 08:50:53.913: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libluasocket.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.929: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libluasocket.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.929: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/liblfs.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.937: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/liblfs.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.937: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libggooglebilling.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.953: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libggooglebilling.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.953: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/liblsqlite3.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.960: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/liblsqlite3.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.968: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libjson.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.968: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libjson.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.976: D/dalvikvm(1753): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libbitop.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:53.976: D/dalvikvm(1753): Added shared lib /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/lib/libbitop.so 0x40517578
10-23 08:50:55.015: D/Gideros_Java(1753): externalDir: /mnt/sdcard
10-23 08:50:55.015: D/Gideros_Java(1753): internalDir: /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/files
10-23 08:50:55.015: D/Gideros_Java(1753): cacheDir: /data/data/com.pishtech.mifd/cache
10-23 08:50:55.124: D/libEGL(1753): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLES_android.so
10-23 08:50:55.124: D/libEGL(1753): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
10-23 08:50:55.148: D/libEGL(1753): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
10-23 08:50:55.171: D/libEGL(1753): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_125.so
10-23 08:51:04.812: D/MediaCmdReceiver(1753): Connected to server
10-23 08:51:04.851: D/MediaCmdReceiver(1753): Thread started
10-23 08:51:05.093: D/MediaCmdReceiver(1753): close
10-23 08:51:05.156: D/MediaCmdReceiver(1753): Connected to server
10-23 08:51:05.171: D/MediaCmdReceiver(1753): Thread started
After a few seconds, probably when the game tries to show its main menu, the game dies, with no more entries in the LogCat.
Really baffled... I've tried adding some file IO to log the progress as screens load, etc., calling a function to append a message to a file, hoping to at least narrow down what part of the code it's in when it quits. I'm logging steps with this code:
local file = io.open("|D|mifdts.txt", "a")
if (file~=nil) then
file:write(msg .. "\n")
The log file doesn't appear to anywhere on the phone, either in system memory or on the SD card. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to get that working without success, though I know others have had issues with file IO.
Any other ideas?
Does it crash on every Android phone or just one?
the app works on Gideros player (on device) but fails as exported apk and it started happening after Gideros upgrade?
Did you do full export from Gideros in the fresh clean directory? Maybe some old gideros files from previous version interfere with the current exported app.
I'll try exporting to a fresh directory to try to rule out stray files.
I also see from logcat that you do not use any external plugin (only the ones bundled with the project), is that right?
Anybody have any ideas why print statements might not show up?
I suspect all this means the device is simply running out of memory. I could overhaul the code to keep only the current scene in memory, at the cost of much slower scene transitions. Before starting the app I see free memory about twice the size of the app, but with overhead perhaps that's not enough. Even if I shut down all apps and do a memory cleanup immediately before launching the app I get the same crash, and briefly see system memory quite low after the crash before it shoots back up.
I think I have to conclude that I need to take a careful look at memory management throughout the app.
Or has anybody seen anything similar that was caused by something else?
thats why SceneManager was made with the idea of disposing previous scene and moving to another.
Well as last resort, you could save the most common scene (like start scene) in the memory, but dispose of other scenes when moving to the next ones