Hello guys, i'm new here, and sorry for my english.
I'm want to make a RPG, Probably 8-bit in style of Gurk (
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.larvalabs.gurk&hl ) but of course, with his own uniques features, but...
Like every other mobile engines i can't find enough to know if gideros is a good choice.
Do you guys think that i can do a game like that?
I couldn't find a RPG in gideros even close to that style.
Sorry if already exists a question similar to this, although i really doubt it.
Thank you!
PS :-@ : i just started here and already saw that this forum is really good, and have nice people who really try to help :-bd
Likes: yfm3000
You could also combine TileMap with physics if needed, for collisions, etc.
You can also do animations either tweening or frame animations using MovieClip
It provides Pixel perfect scaling, which is great for pixel art based games
If you have an upgraded account, you will also have an access to Controller plugin (soon to be released), allowing you to make single app for both touch based and controller input and publish on Moga, OUYA and other controller based markets.
So that would be basics, but tell us more about your game, what specific features you might need and I'll try to elaborate if thats possible or not
Likes: yfm3000
I want to make something really simple. Really easy to understand and play.
Something that bring back that difficult from 90's or even 80's.
When you need to play hours and hours to make some progress (I miss this in android games), yet simple.
I'm still thinking about some details.
Will not need physics, at least for the first version of it.
Collision...probably the same as physics.
Like Snes Rpg's : 7Th Saga, Final fantasy.
Thanks for your response!
That's very good to know.
For this project(At least for now), i will not need all of this, but it's always good to know that i can do more than i want or need.
I just had some doubts because of my "noobness" and i don't see anyone with an RPG 8-bit project to have it like a inspiration.
I said enough up there \:D/
I still don't have idea how will be the controls. Touch doesn't go well with this kind of game.
I think that's it. I'm still looking how to learn to use this engine and programming lua, so will be a long time until i come up with a playable version, since i will do everything on my own.
Again :-@ , sorry for my english.
Likes: yfm3000
I downloaded it this morning and really liked.
That's actually the tipe of game i want to do, but with a different style of battle.