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Facebook Friends ScoreBoard — Gideros Forum

Facebook Friends ScoreBoard

jdbcjdbc Member
edited December 2013 in Game & application design
I am trying to create a Facebook Friends Leaderboard and I have some questions to solve:

- When a get a friends score list, is there a limit of size? I have read the maximal size is 5000 items of the list.
- How is the best way to create a leaderboard scene, because if a get 5000 items and try to add as Sprite/TextField child to the scene, performance is not good. Any other ideas?
- I want to show local player score and compare with facebook score list in the leaderboard scene, but if for example there are 1000 scores and local player has the 800 rank position, what is the best way to show it in the leaderboard scene?


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    edited December 2013 Accepted Answer
    There are three types of leaderboards you can usually show:
    If your player is somewhere at top the top, you better show global leader board, usually top 10 of all players
    If your player is not at the top, but some where near it, maybe top 100, you can show him some local scores, let's say 5 score above him, to give him motivation to compete further and 4 scores behind him, to show he is doing well and have overcome some opponents
    And if your player is completely somewhere down, you can create a social one and display top 10 places of player's and his/her friends scores.

    In either way, I don't see a point of displaying more than 10 results to the end player :)
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited December 2013
    I was using ScoreBoard = Core.class(ScrollView) to create a scrollable leaderboard. It works ok with a list of 500 items. I will show no more than 20 in this scrollable scene.

    I have also added a new method to SceneManager to return current scene and make easier callback functions from scene:
    function SceneManager:getCurrentScene()
    	return self.scene1
    Then I have created a new class Facebook in the following sense:
    Facebook = Core.class()
    function Facebook:init(scene)
    and call current scene methods from callback functions.

    I will share this code when I finished.
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited December 2013
    does Gideros provide something similar to this?


    That's exactly what I want to integrate to cover the following features:

    1) Show a list of all-time top scores made in the game.

    2) Show a daily list of top scores made in the game. (can be customized easily to a week/month etc)

    3) Show a list of top scores made within the users group of Facebook friends to keep users motivated to beat their friends at your game.

    4) A social activity feed indicating the last activity of all your Facebook friends.
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited December 2013
    There are three types of leaderboards you can usually show:
    If your player is somewhere at top the top, you better show global leader board, usually top 10 of all players
    If your player is not at the top, but some where near it, maybe top 100, you can show him some local scores, let's say 5 score above him, to give him motivation to compete further and 4 scores behind him, to show he is doing well and have overcome some opponents
    And if your player is completely somewhere down, you can create a social one and display top 10 places of player's and his/her friends scores.

    In either way, I don't see a point of displaying more than 10 results to the end player :)
    Then you mean something like Doodle Jump Leaderboard:


    Good starting point to integrate a custom leaderboard in our games !!!
  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited December 2013
    What about Openkit: http://openkit.io/

    It seems a very good option as back service, even in your own server. For integration I see two options:

    1) Use jvbridge and call OpenKit activities from Lua (Android) or use Wax (iOS)
    2) Have a look to Client API for Android and try to create a similar client for Gideros.
  • Yeah openkit is indeed a nice solution.

    But what you think about the Play Service which google offers. I have seen there is an google play service integration for gideros in the under labs an it's in experimental status but i think it is worth enough to try it out. They have nice features like Leaderboard with Top 10 Lists and Archievments and realtime multiplayer function. But i have no idea how far the development of the gideros integration is.
  • @GiderosFan
    Google Play service plugin is in experimental status only because of multiplayer.
    The leaderboards/acheivemens and cloud saves seems to be working nicely on Android and IOS.
    And it is also available in Github:
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