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UrlLoader upload progress — Gideros Forum

UrlLoader upload progress

VenorcisVenorcis Member
edited February 2014 in Suggestions & requests
Good afternoon,

For the UrlLoader, there is an event that reports on the download progress. However, I would like to request an event for the upload progress as well. In our app, uploading an image might take a while, especially on bad connections, so we would like to show some progressbar there. It would be great if this could be made possible :)

Kind regards,
Vincent Koeman


  • @ar2rsawseen Would this be possible in any way? ;)
  • The biggest problem with the UrlLoader is, that it is not crossplatform, and there is a separate implementation for each platform. Before we struggled much to make them behave similarly on all platforms.
    While what you ask most probably can be done (will consult with @atilim on this one), unfortunately we currently can't make it a priority.

    But what this question actually reminded me is an awesome hack from I think instagram.
    Where they start uploading photo immediately when they got it, but in the mean time, ask user to fill some data, tags, etc (all while photo is already uploading).
    and then when user presses upload photo, most of the time it already finished uploading. Of course if user never decides to upload it, they either cancel upload or discard already uploaded photo from the server.
  • @ar2rsawseen Thanks for the reply. It is no top priority for us either (the opengl/iOS issues we have are), but it would be cool if you and @atilim could keep this in mind; it would be useful :)
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