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Cannot figure how to make gdrbridge work — Gideros Forum

Cannot figure how to make gdrbridge work

edited February 2014 in General questions
Well, the IDE was greatly irritating me with its crap search function, and so I decided to work on Sublime Text

But I cannot figure how to use the command line, I tried all commands, and none of them did anything beside writing this:

* daemon not running. starting it now on port 15001 *
* daemon started successfully *

I tried with the player open, with the player closed, setting the ip to the ip the player shows... Nothing worked, ALL commands just print that mentioned message.

EDIT: This is on Windows... (I also develop on OSX, but right now I am have issues on Windows)
I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com


  • This worked through PHP with Sublime and I think was more meant to be a an automatic test build system, but still could help
  • Oh, by the way, this is NOT a sublime issue.

    Before making a sublime command, I try to make it work on the actual command line, what I meant on my post is that directly on the command line it is not working.
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    can we get a help on this?
    i want to make a simple windows 'run.bat' file that opens a gideros player and runs my project in it. can anybody tell me how such a run.bat file should look like?
  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    i've seen those docs, but could not make a windows run.bat following the instructions (i want to open a player on the pc and run the project in it).
  • phongttphongtt Guru
    edited May 2014
    Does something like this work?

    C:/Program Files/Gideros/Tools/gdrbridge.exe setip
    C:/Program Files/Gideros/Tools/gdrbridge.exe play D:/Projects/Game1/game1.gproj

    A simple run.bat should look like this (just an idea as I don't have a Windows machine right now and I haven't coded batch script for years :D)
    <a href="https://forum.gideros.rocks/profile/ECHO" rel="nofollow">@ECHO</a> OFF
    SET GDRBRIDGE=C:/Program Files/Gideros/Tools/gdrbridge.exe
    IF "%1"=="setip" (
    ) ELSE IF "%1"=="play" (
    ) ELSE (
    ECHO Usage:
    ECHO run.bat setip <ip of gideros player>
    ECHO run.bat play <your .gproj file including path>
    Then, you can use it as a shortcut:

    run.bat setip ...
    run.bat play ...

    Likes: ar2rsawseen

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  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    well, i think i tried similar things yesterday, but now it somehow works, the run.bat looks like this:

    start "" "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gideros/GiderosPlayer.exe"
    "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gideros/Tools/gdrbridge.exe" setip
    "C:/Program Files (x86)/Gideros/Tools/gdrbridge.exe" play myproject.gproj

  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    hmm, that's stupid, i checked my previous version of run.bat and there it was 'myproject.proj' (proj instead of gproj), no wonder nothing happened.
  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    can you share with us a similar 'batch' file for mac (that does not need any parameters)? (i don't have a mac, so i don't know what extension should it have and what syntax, but my friends testing my app on a mac could use such a 'quick start project' file)
  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Here's what I do:
    Open CMD and type:
    cd "c:/Program files/Gideros/Tools"
    or in case of x64 OS
    cd "c:/Program files (x86)/Gideros/Tools"
    Now you are in the directory where gdrbridge is
    then type this to open Gideros Player:
    start ../GiderosPlayer.exe
    Then let's set ip to use:
    gdrbridge setip
    And now lets play the project (simply pointing to some path where your gproj file is)
    gdrbridge play <img class="emoji" src="https://forum.gideros.rocks/resources/emoji/anguished.png" title="D:" alt="D:" height="20" />/Gideros/Test/Test.gproj
    and thats it

    You can also launch it on device, by providing IP of device

    Likes: Holonist

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  • I tested it again, now it worked.

    Since the only change was gideros version, I guess that back when I complained gideros was broken, and now it is fixed. (i tried the same steps that failed the last time, now it worked fine)
    I make games for children: http://www.kidoteca.com
  • ianchiaianchia Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry ... posted here originally in wrong thread. gdrbridge issue temporarily klugey fix for current Gideros open source 2015 builds here: http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/comment/42528#Comment_42528
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