Dear all,
Finally I've made a game with Gideros.

I choose to use Gideros for the android version. (iOS is made with other SDK and still waiting for review)
This game is as challenging as flappy bird, so please keep calm while playing.
You have to tap at the right time to drop the bird to 'bump' with the platform.
Good luck in getting a score of 10 and above!

Bumpy Bird on Google Play Bird on Amazon (without google play services leaderboard)
Likes: Chang
However I use my own ads plugin, not ads interface if that's what the problem is.
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
@Chang KongoRatz! for the game.
Likes: hgvyas123
@unlying Thanks! I will have a look at that.
@hgvyas123 Well it is not a clone of flappy bird and no point to use the same name.
i should use the leaderboard..... (google asked stuff and i clicked it away....)
The only feedback I have is that message showing the player how to play that keeps showing. I think after the first few times is enough. Just my opinion.
Good job
I don't have 7" screenshots too, because it's so weird how all these are sorted.
By the way I did upload screenshots for tablet but still I'm seeing "You uploaded screenshots for 7-inch tablets, but your APK does not seem to be designed for 7-inch tablets.".
I did add hdpi assets and set android:largeScreens="true" and android:xlargeScreens="true", not sure what I need to change to fix this.
I think I know why, because I added "READ_PHONE_STATE" permission for revmob previously and didn't remove it. I'm going to submit a version that remove "READ_PHONE_STATE" permission now.
it should point out what you need to do to get it tablets compatible
I read an article here:
And tried to make an appeal here:
Likes: ar2rsawseen
"Thank you for contacting Google Play Support. We are pleased to let you know that your application, com.pinchgames.bumpybird, meets the basic tablet app quality checklist to be considered designed for use on tablet devices as explained here:
Please allow 24 hours for this change to take effect and then kindly confirm its status on your Google Play Developer Console,"