It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
require "facebook" facebook:setAppId("<my big number>"); facebook:authorize({"publish_actions"}); --.... some time later...... facebook:graphRequest("me/feed", { link = "<a href=""" rel="nofollow">"</a>, picture = "<a href="http://icon.png"" rel="nofollow">http://icon.png"</a>, name = "Blah", caption = "Blah", message = "Blah" },"POST") |
There is a new version in the Labs for the latest Facebook SDKs and supporting some more stuff (as posting pictures)
It's marked as experiment, but I released an app with it (Kicky Ball), and for now it seems to work ok.
So you can try it:
The usage changed a bit, but on the other hand is also a little easier providing some wrapped methods for common tasks and returning graph path in the event, to know which request returned the result
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Event.LOGIN_ERROR --contains (e.errror)
should be
Event.LOGIN_ERROR --contains (e.error)
(I hope)
Likes: SinisterSoft
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
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The doc scraps are usually the last part I make after plugin, which is usually in a deep deep night (or almost morning)
I thought i was going well. doing a fresh setup in eclipse and understanding what i was actually doing.
I added the FACEBOOK folder to the Exported project folders.
refreshed/built, and i got the attached. error.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Just modify your own activity in the same way
Yes of course, ill go and whack my programmer over the head for that mistake.
thank you.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Now i have : all in red. it can't find "com.facebook"
i have copied the "Facebook" plug in to "plugins".
import com.facebook.FacebookException;
import com.facebook.FacebookOperationCanceledException;
import com.facebook.FacebookRequestError;
import com.facebook.HttpMethod;
import com.facebook.Request;
import com.facebook.RequestAsyncTask;
import com.facebook.Response;
import com.facebook.Session;
import com.facebook.model.GraphObject;
import com.facebook.widget.WebDialog;
import com.facebook.widget.WebDialog.OnCompleteListener;
Bubble Adventure - Colors
and then reference it from your project, because now it seems it simple does not see the sdk (or your current SDK is outdated)
I had downloaded the latest SDK.
i have also ticked under project properties. Project References "FacebookSDK"
still showing in red.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
under Project References -> Android -> Library ( i had to re-Add the SDK there too.)
thank you again.
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1) when i clicked the post to Facebook sample. i had an error in the logs. about no ApplicationId was set.
so i googled and added this to the Manifest
meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId"
Then added the string "app_id" to my strings with the Facebook Id. I got this by creating a new Facebook Developer app.
2) i built it all. installed it on my android phone. now I'm getting this in the logs, but its like a minute after i clicked the post to Facebook. just having a bad run hey. sorry.
Bubble Adventure - Colors
and all StackOverflow answers point to upgrading facebook sdk.
Which version are you using?
so version 3.7 id say.
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facebook:login("", {"basic_info", "user_about_me", "publish_actions", "publish_stream"})
Bubble Adventure - Colors
@ar2rsawseen - are you on 3.7?
@ArtLeeApps do you get the crash on login, or any other specific method?
You can try sending me the project to ar2rsawseen at gmail dot com
and I will check
Bubble Adventure - Colors
Bubble Adventure - Colors
I'm having a similar issue where I cant post to the feed.
I have written this code in my Gideros project:
Likes: mmeriksson
I can run the code on my android phone and the prompt comes asking if I accept my app to get permission to facebook. I click yes and then I just get pushed back to my app and the state it was before I pushed the facebook button I have.
Should facebook:postToFeed open up the facebook app on my phone ? or is there another function that needs to be run?
The Logcat says:
postToFeed does not raise any dialog, it simply posts to your feed, so check your facebook account, maybe you already posted something there
if you want to show dialog, use:
dialog("feed", params)
Likes: mmeriksson
Likes: ar2rsawseen