Hi Folks !!!
First of all I like to thank to Gideros staff (
@ar2rsawseen) for their amazing SDK and also Gideros forum for their contributions and comments in this site.
EDIT (9 oct 2014):
Well After of a lot hard work I got it.
"Bow Sailboat" is a causal game and It's inspired by classic video games
“Frogger” and
“Bomber Man”.
Working in a way that is opposite to usual games of this type “Tower Defense”, the roads and the turrets are carried to the enemies, instead of them travelling on a fixed path that you defend.
On a foggy and stormy night, an exploring sailboat falls into a portal and enters a strange world, where mysterious creatures want to destroy it.
Here I leave the promotional video.
Enjoy it

You can download it here (App Store) FREE
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bow-sailboat/id836674656or Scan QR

Bow Sailboat is designed for both iPhone and iPad

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Likes: HubertRonald
Note I've edit my post original
[-] Liasoft
[-] Liasoft
I've updated original post, because Bow Sailboat was release this afternoon (here in Lima, Peru) on the App Store.
I'm very glad for it
[-] Liasoft
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Maybe I know that you refer:
But I had many problem during app review and few time for adjust these issues (and in the development phase too).
I would have liked to release Bow Sailboat on iOS 7, but when I tested it on my iPhone 4 (iOS 7.0... and all development was on this device) the app doesn't run very well for me (It's just my two cents) so I decided to release Bow Sailboat on iOS 8 and not affect user experience if they were owners of an iPhone 4.
I appreciate your concern and suggestions, as the details can also be improved.
[-] Liasoft
Thanks for your words
Yes, I have plans to launch "Bow Sailboat" and "Paint Pong" on Android too.
Also I wanna create others apps
I also take this line and ask if encryption option is going to continue in force (my membership ends later this year) because in the official website of Gideros I've not seen the payment option and therefore, I don't know, how will be encryption and Gideros Labs options?
If @ar2rsawseen or another member could clarify me this issue, I would be very grateful.
[-] Liasoft
Likes: HubertRonald