Hello, I'm currently testing my game on a 720x1280 device. I put those values on the Logical Dimensions and set Scale Mode to Letterbox. My game has a 720x1280 background and is set on Lanscape mode.
On the emulator for the mentioned above resolution the game looks perfect. No extra spaces at the top, bottom or sides. But when testing it on my device, I can see extra spaces at the top and bottom.
I can't figure out why, except that it could be because of the back/home bar (which I don't know it's real name). The bar normally appears at the bottom, but when I test the game, it appears on the right side. Could that be the reason?
Please help
so if you have different aspect ratio than defined in logical dimensions, it means you will have whitespaces.
To tacle them, you can create larger resolution images, as stated here:
and here:
I understand the big background solution and I intend to implement it, but that's in the case of different resolution devices. My problem happens with the same resolution as the Logical Dimensions.
That's what I could only guess that it could be because of the back/home bar, because on the emulator doesn't appear. And btw, my games is on Lanscape mode and the bar appears on the right side.
Maybe it's not because of the bar, but the problem is there, I don't know if it has happened to someone else, I appreciate your help.
I just wanted to know for sure that was the case. And I also wanted to know if there was a way of taking into account the back/home bar so maybe we could work our games with Height x (Width-BarWidth) or (Height-BarHeight) x Width. It would be really cool =D.
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