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Return of Lua Player Coder — Gideros Forum

Return of Lua Player Coder

GeoCoderGeoCoder Member
edited April 2014 in Introduce yourself
Hi, folks...

I had started Lua coding back in around 2004 for Lua Player running on PlayStation Portable (PSP). I don't know if anyone here remember Lua Player in the past. If you want, you can look up "Lua Player" in wikipedia online. Been doing this for awhile until for some reason left and went along on my long journey visiting XNA/C#, Android/Java, MIT App Inventor/Block and Xamarin/C#. With my surprise, just discovered the land of Lua coding for games today... Corona, Moai, Love, Gideros. By comparing those SDK's, I chose Gideros Studio. The main reason is that Gideros has its own IDE with lightning-like deploying without having to generate an APK file. Only negative side is that SDK was designed after the manner of ActionScript 3. I haven't ever used AS3 in the past. I sure hope you guys here would help me with some problems I might face.

Thank you for reading my little bio.


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