There are plenty of resources and videos that demonstrate the awesome power of swift. It is in many ways a lot better than working with Objective-C, it feels more at home like it does when writing Lua code HOWEVER... it is not as forgiving as Lua. So if you are pedantic and use classes, etc rather than the sloppy way of scripts, then you would have a bit of an issue with Swift. The language is easy to use but you have to know the classes and API to really do anything. Since everything is an Object (like in any OO langauge) there are new classes like String and Int which are different to the older ones like NSString and NSInteger, however you might know that the Objective-C API works with CGFloat and not Ints, so be prepared to write lots of conversions between Ints and CGFloats, CGSizes, etc
Playground which is the Live Coding version is fun to work with, specially the graphical environment that displays and attempts to visualise very step the code runs and plot loops, etc. However it is not as fast and would crash more often almost making you wonder are you working with a Mac OS or Windows. With this Apple have now officially managed to make software that crashes as much or more than Windows software does.
Read up on Swift and look out for books, tutorials, video how-to, there are a lot of people that are offering these. Not sure how soon can we see this being adopted as main stream and/or allowing Gideros exported projects to use Swift as the C++ bridge/interface is not easy, you almost have to go Swift->Objective-C->C++.
I believe that time will say us if Swift is a nice option. For now is a little difficult for me test this language, but I want to try it too when I have time, because I've work pending and I'll not change for the moment Xcode, because I'm sure I get a headache with my current projects.
[-] Liasoft
very interesting, thank you.
Plus you HAVE to move to mavericks and get xcode 6. In my case, my iMac is still Lion and has 24 GB RAM (it is stable and workes well) my Mac Book Pro is Mavericks and 4GB and struggles with RAM compression and what not and xcode being ß - crashes more often than working. Am swapping the HDD for a SSD, installing 10.10.10 to test and will tell you if that made any difference.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
[-] Liasoft
I am looking forward to Bow Sailboat to be released, looks like a neat concept and fun.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
This couple of months I have been seeing issues more related to my profession of industrial engineering (as many people here, I've to pay for the house, the girlfriend, LOL).
But this weekend I'm going to focus with hard in Bow Sailboat, as I mentioned is a matter of improving its performance, because on Gideros Player (iMac), it is run nice but when it runs on iPhone 4 it's run slow.
And again I will have to read this book Learn Lua for iOS Game Development I don't know if you know the author (it's a joke
I will also review are @ar2rsawseen's suggestions in more detail Software Improve - What kind of skills do you need? although I've been implementing some of his suggestions.
Thank @john26 too, because he got smoke coming out of my head and I could delve into a little more in my knowledge of Lua in this post Stupid Lua question
[-] Liasoft
Likes: ar2rsawseen
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
Cool Vizify Profile at
a promising future!
[-] Liasoft