Again, the meat is in the title. Has anyone seen this before?
1. Load Admob interstitial offline
2. App crashes consistently after 60 seconds without callbacks or errors
I've tried to patch the issue by reloading the Ads("admob") and setting it to nil, both approaches fail.

I store the initialized Admob in self.admob.
This code crashes the app after 60 seconds:
There was a bug in Admob library that caused the crash when there was no connectivity.
The new AdsInterface:
1) upgraded Admob library which don't have this bug
2) implemented connectivity check to prevent such bugs in future versions or other ad frameworks
On 1 August 2014, Google Play will stop accepting new or updated apps using the standalone Google Mobile Ads SDKs v6.4.1 or lower. Upgrade to the Google Play version of the Mobile Ads SDK to take advantage of new features, including automatic updates such as bug fixes.
will mention it in the docs