Hello folks
Gideros Source releasedso as you know recently we finally released Gideros Source, which is now available on Github MIT licensed:
https://github.com/gideros/giderosWe had to revert back to first working version, because for now we don't have time to finish the changes started.
Gideros Labs and PluginsHere is the repository for plugins including ones where in Labs and couple of new ones
https://github.com/gideros/giderospluginsGideros 2.0Gideros 1.0 moved too far and Gideros 2.0 is falling behind so badly, that we decided to make it obsolete (basically it is much easier to take Gideros 1.0 and modify it to work with OpenGL 2, than updating Gideros 2.0 to a state of Gideros 1.0)
So later, probably after Gideros Development version reaching stable release and when Atilim will have time, he will make a fork of current Gideros 1.0 version and port all the additions/changes Gideros 2.0 previously had, to make a current working Gideros 2.0 version, which will probably become new active development version.
Hope it all makes sense
Installing new GiderosCurrently we are looking into creating an easy to use build system so that anybody can create an installation package from codes easily.
If you have any suggestions or experience that you can share, we are all ears

For advanced users, build scripts are in gideros/scripts (
Here are also tutorials for building Gideros for your system:
http://giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php/Build_Gideros_On_Machttp://giderosmobile.com/DevCenter/index.php/Build_Gideros_On_WindowsAlso most probably you should be able to build Gideros on Linux and make it running without WINE
Getting Gideros License for current/previous versionsOur api now license any copy of Gideros software on any computer.
All you have to do, is to launch Gideros License Manager and authorize with your Gideros account and you will receive license, even if you are not paid customer.
P.S.And also if you have any suggestions, maybe even fixes, commits, pull requests, (including if you want to be added to Gideros repo on github) pm me or use this thread to discuss them.

And if you want to contribute to wiki, you can request an account here:
My initial look shows that it is written primarily against OpenGL 1.x and OpenGL ES 1.1. That is, it uses the fixed pipeline. I see many references to glRotatef and glPushMatrix while references to OpenGL 3+ shader language APIs like glUseProgram are only to be found in the "external" directory. Personally I rather like this approach as it is much simpler than the programmable pipeline and Gideros does quite simple drawing anyway so shaders etc would be overkill.
As it happens, I have actually written a wrapper library which takes OpenGL 1.x code and converts it to Direct3D 11 calls (with shaders) so we could maybe use that at some point? Much simpler than ANGLE (which I tried but personally found rather complicated).
Likes: seppsepp, vitalitymobile, OZApps, Mells
And using such wrapper, how hard it will be to migrate to OpenGL 2 afterwards?
Likes: vitalitymobile
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Regarding OpenGL 2, I would be tempted to accept the fact that Gideros 1.0 (which is what we are working on) is fundamentally a fixed-pipeline graphics system. There's nothing wrong with that, after all as a 2D engine Gideros will only ever use a tiny fraction of OpenGL's capabilities. Therefore I see no point replacing hundreds of OpenGL 1.x calls with OpenGL 3.x calls (plus OpenGL 3.x has much more scaffolding and more data structures to set up). For systems that don't have OpenGL 1.x, we can write replacements for calls like glPushMatrix etc. This means we add new code but don't have to change the existing code. Personally I think this is a more realistic approach given we don't have @atilim's understanding of the source code.
Incidentally, here is the wrapper library I was referring to (so far). It is tiny compared to Angle. You can see I've written my own implementation of functions like glPushMatrix, glRotatef, glColor4ub etc (basically I've replaced many of the most popular fixed pipeline calls with Direct3D calls -- but more will probably be needed)
Of course this code is not yet ready to be incorporated into Gideros. It will probably need some changes. But in principle using this approach we can get Gideros using Direct3D as an alternative graphics library in just a few days.
Likes: keszegh, vitalitymobile, SinisterSoft
also it would be interesting to see how much effort is to add a full-screen option to the gideros player.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: Tom2012
Ther eis any point in still paying it? (ie: what you do provide for it? or the invoice is because you people forgot to disable automatic invoicing?)
Currently our payment management system is closely integrated with other parts of the website, and we are dismantling it piece by piece
Gideros will enable all licenses now through License manager (even for unpaid users)
1: Single interface for calling in App ADS for all Platforms (without having to do Xcode or android).
2: Windows Mobile Platform as an option for the enforceable future.
3:Possible Web view opject without needed the 2 Bridges. a Single bridge would have helped.
Tell you what though, its much easy to install and start programming than using that MAUI.
Just my opinion. but if the open source makes this capable, then excellent.
And thanks to everyone looking at the code. This is going to be an interesting time!
it works! thanks!
Simple explanation: Open Gideros License Manager, click "Update License", that's all.
I'm a few months new to Gideros and have really enjoyed using it. Thanks for releasing such a fine framework!
For windows, here is what I had to download to build the libgideros Android lib and QT programs like Exporter. I noticed looking at Exporter that someone looking at github could now easily retrieve the key to decrypt JET files in any APK game, so I'm working on changing this for my personal projects - feel free to PM me for code once I'm finished. The idea is just to make it a little harder now that the code is public. iOS code to follow..
-- In order to build the libgideros.so, install these two --
Android NDK - (I can't post links)
Download and extract to c:\android-ndk-r9d
The "windows" build scripts use linux commands like mv/rm. To use these commands in windows, google "gnuwin32 coreutils" and download the package.
Then add to your windows PATH the location where they are installed. For me that was C:\program files\GnuWin32\bin
-- To build the QT projects (exporter, etc.), install QT --
Google and download/run the QT 5.3 ONLINE INSTALLER
Click next and expand Qt5.3 and make sure MinGW is checked.
Install to location (C:\Qt\Qt5.3.0)
Copy the .bat files from QT5 into the main SCRIPTS folder to run them.
After doing the above, I was able to build all QT executables and the libgideros file.
Likes: ar2rsawseen, bugcaptor
I'm using Qt5.
While compiling, it says:
This issue was solved by using mac port, thank to Atilim
what do i have to do to get it?
Likes: jdbc, luizgustavolino
I will soon start publishing plugins to github repo (once I get a spare weekend) and will update this thread
Likes: HubertRonald
Likes: FlimFlamboyant
@jdbc since Gideros uses cross platform tools as QT, you should be able to make a build that would run natively on Linux, without Wine
Unfortunately I'm not a Linux user, and have not tried that