I'm troubleshooting an issue originating when loading a large chunk of text.
Scenario 1: Load 1 file. Memory 490kB, 60 FPS
Scenario 2: Load 100 files. Memory 3979kB, 58 FPS
Scenario 3: Load 1000 files. Memory 35400kB, 49 FPS
The FPS drop happens even if I don't touch the table I loaded the text into. When I measure the FPS the game is effectively on standby. Is there a link between memory usage and FPS?
When I use loadfile() to load all 1,000 files I get 49 FPS.
When I load only one file with loadfile(), and duplicate it 1,000 times by code, the FPS stays at 60.
Digging deeper, will update this thread.
I got some improvements applying this "trick"
Bhleaky (check on this forum) is a good trick.
Also check this out about gc
Good luck!