Hey guys!
I'm a real noob here and I honestly don't know how the facebook events work. I've just implemented ar2rsawseen's plugin and succesfully tested his example (after hours of suffering).
I don't understand the Gideros Documentation. For example on
http://docs.giderosmobile.com/reference/plugin/Facebook/graphRequest, it says that if I put "me" as a parameter
facebook:graphRequest("me") |
I get the data of the currently logged user. Like id, username, name, gender, etc. But how do I implement that? Do the values get stored on a table? For example, If I want to print my name, would this do?
user = facebook:graphRequest("me")
print("Hello:",user.name) |
I totally forgot about this.
Please us this :
The facebook at Gideros standard API might be deprecated. (I'm using 2014.01, so i don't know about the recent one.)
If you need to create a player : http://docs.giderosmobile.com/deployment.html
(Also, uncomment -- for k,v in pairs(e) do print(k,v) end to get the table e's content)
Likes: somezombiegm
And when you say Do you mean the code? I don't see any facebook:graphRequest or any way to obtain the logged users data
1. http://giderosmobile.com/labs/facebook
At here, you need to login to view.
After that, refresh that page, and download would appear.
2. Then you need to proceed adding Facebook to your game,
-see install.html inside it to know how to add it
3. Facebook is a little different with other plugin, it uses Library.
Also, you need hashkey:
-!! If the app said hashcheck failure, then simply just copy what in the eclipse log by searching "hash", get the hash value and add it to the Android hashkey. Do not remove the old one. This probably only happen after you wrongly doing the things on developer's device.
4. Before you deploy the game with eclipse,
-delete asset folder inside asset Folder
By doing that, you created a player, which work like the real app (considering plug-in, or bundle if you export)
Likes: SinisterSoft, somezombiegm
It took me a while but now I have my Gideros player for Android with FB plugin, thanks to this link you gave me: http://docs.giderosmobile.com/deployment.html
No I can test this code on my device
request complete: nil
__target table: 0x623c0a00
__type requestComplete
__userdata userdata: 0x623c1640
response {"id":"580168967","education":[{"school":{"id":"106383376064698","name":"Colegio los Pirineos Don Bosco"}, etc, etc, etc.
I could print my data, which is nice :-bd I can work with that. However, e.type is always nil. I'm not sure if I understood what you said before; If I download the new Gideros 2014.10, will it support e.type?
I'm using Gideros 2014.01
I used this SDK: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android
And followed this steps: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/android/getting-started
Probably, the difference here is that i'm using this :
The API is a little bit different, but it works better.
Just log in, and go to that page again, it would turn into Download.
And you would get newer plugin for Android at that
--if e.type == "me" then
I though they open up all Labs for all member.
Let's just mention @ar2rsawseen
That Json is not native API.
There are many json parser on lua that you can get online.
There are also native json, but i never use that. Probably worth to try :
2. I added json.lua and now works fine. Thanks
and yes e.type is only in new facebook plugin version, which uses Facebook SDK 3+, the old one was using second FB sdk, which was deprecated quite a while ago.
Likes: somezombiegm