After modifying code from horse example at Gideros, here are basic sketchup obj loader.
Probably would update later, if i find something more
Things to remember:
1. At Export > 3D models... Do not forget to Triangulate all faces at Options...
2. Red is X, Blue is Y, and Green is Z. Like usual, Y is reverted between 3D model and gaming coordinate, so we need to invert it at setScale(x,-y,z).
3. Since 1m = 1 pixel, you need to scale it big if you made it too small
4. Delete that weird person at sketchup...

Edit: Forgot to mention, if you are using non-Pro version, you can't export as obj. But there are free SketchUp plugin available online that able to export it.
Likes: SinisterSoft
Things there is just like as long as it works, without commentary.
Not sure also if it's working with all version of SketchUp just yet.
I'm using the 2013's version.
Also forgot to mention that non-pro cannot export as obj, but there are free plugin available online that can export it as obj.