I've been testing Android today with very good results. All scaling is working and
the Multi-touch doesn't have the unpredictable lag like iOS, but testing "Touch Explorer",
I did notice the more touches, there was more lag, but very little.(Print statements commented)
I didn't test orientation.
I am having one problem, as you can see below. When I touch the Settings button
a settings menu will popup, but on Android a white screen pops up.
From the splash to the menu it's o.k, but after I open other window's they're white.
I'm using the same code as I tested on iOS, which works o.k.
Testing on a Galaxy Tab 7 (Gingerbread 2.3.4)

Currently we're implementing a multithreaded game loop and up to now it completely eliminates the touch lags. With the next version, there will be a lag-free touch implementation.
For the android, I think the size of the texture is bigger than the Galaxy Tab can handle. Can you tell me the size of the texture that you use with the popup and can you downscale it and try again?
Thank you
Menu screen is 480x320.
I'll do more testing today.
Great to hear you eliminated the touch lags.
I also noticed noticed that when using multitouch that when I move the right paddle(moves
smooth), and then I touch anywhere on the screen with another finger that sometimes it
will stop the right paddle on iOS, but not on Android. So the multithreaded game loop
Should fix.
Android version already does the drawing and touch handling on different threads. I think threaded game loop on iOS also will fix the lag problem.
module using the Timer. Before I was just calling the module name(settings()).
Also the screens that are white are from external modules.
If you still have the code I sent you last week, you will see the problem.
settings() is calling an external module.
This bug will be fixed with the next version.
thank you for reporting
I don't use touch/mouse events from splash screen to the menu screen, thats why
that displays correctly. I'm using the timer event, I'll change when bug fixed.
I'm still testing Android, everything is going o.k so far.
As soon as I finish, I'll upload video to YouTube and then post the link here.