Hi all,
I have moved over Gideros Android dev to Android Studio (coming from Eclipse that is) and all is good if I export a project from Gideros to Android->Android Studio format project. I can run the compiled end code on the selected target device fine.
What I can't seem to figure out is how to incorporate say AppLovin SDK into the same Android Studio project. I used to do it fine with Eclipse but I've so far failed to work out how to import the ads lib and google play service lib into Android Studio.
I know there is a version of Gideros coming that directly exports .apk's along with selected ads libs - should I wait for that or is it too far off yet?
Android Studio is good but I just don't know it like I did Eclipse (yet).
.jar files should go to app\libs
.so files should go to respective app\src\main\jniLibs
And all other .java files go to respective app\src\main\java
Main activity is in app\src\main\java\com\giderosmobile\android
And Android manifest is in app\src\main
More information:
Likes: MobAmuse, antix, rolfpancake, chuz0
I did have an extra hour of fun with google play services integration (as required to use AppLovin SDK of course) but managed to fix that and then it worked fine and ads appeared as normal.
Only tested it with AppLovin SDK 6.0.0 tho and not higher currently.
Whew! and Cheers
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: ar2rsawseen, SinisterSoft
All good and working.
Likes: rolfpancake, SinisterSoft, simwhi
(I got a gold s7 edge with the VR unit
Likes: MobAmuse
Likes: MobAmuse, totebo
Likes: antix
The next version of Gideros will allow direct APK export with no need for Android Studio or Eclipse. HOWEVER, direct APK export will not include ads or other plugins, just a vanilla APK for now. In a future release we will start to do automatic export of plugins selected by the user but for now Android Studio or Eclipse will be needed to add plugins to the APK.
Likes: MobAmuse, antix, totebo, rolfpancake