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WidgetCandy transparent windows? — Gideros Forum

WidgetCandy transparent windows?

bigtunacanbigtunacan Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce yourself
I just started using WidgetCandy and I'm trying to layout some buttons in a stack so I have created a window widget and add the buttons to the window.

I would like to use the Window as an invisible container just for it's auto layout properties.

Is there a way to set the window to transparent, but not the children widgets?
_G.GUI.LoadTheme("theme_1", "themes/theme_1/")
	x      = "center",
	y      = "bottom",
	name   = "Win1",
	theme  = "theme_1",
	width = "40%",
	height = "auto"
} )
		name = "MyButton1",
		x = "auto",
		y = "auto",
		width = "100%",
		parentGroup = "Win1",
		theme = "theme_1",
		caption = "I am a button!",
		textAlign = "center",
		icon = 15,
		onRelease = function() print("button was tapped") end,
		name = "MyButton2",
		x = "auto",
		y = "auto",
		width = "100%",
		parentGroup = "Win1",
		theme = "theme_1",
		caption = "I am another button!",
		textAlign = "center",
		icon = 15,
		onRelease = function() print("button was tapped") end,


  • Apparently there is property called windowAlpha that I missed earlier.

    Likes: antix

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  • @bigtunacan is widget candy still developed,supported? Last time i sent to their support one email and wrote in forum but have not received any answer from their side. Just curious.

    Thanks in advance.

    Likes: antix

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  • antixantix Member
    @talis, if you ever get a reply from, the Widget Candy people you are lucky indeed. I sent multiple bug reports and received one random reply about one of my issues.
  • @talis, if you ever get a reply from, the Widget Candy people you are lucky indeed. I sent multiple bug reports and received one random reply about one of my issues.
    Shame really as that and there Particle system look ok, but why spend money if no support ?

  • talistalis Guru
    edited March 2016
    @chrisF actually let me say that code that they sold is doing the job like it is advertised. (ok let us say %97 ) But if you are expecting support, as from my side forget it unfortunately.
  • antixantix Member
    The main issue for me is that they won't add more functionality. At the end of the day it "mostly" works and it wasn't super expensive so it was a good purchase.
  • I haven't gotten any replies back from them related to support issues, but it was relatively inexpensive and I can't find anything else comparable. I'd rather spend the few bucks and deal with a little bit of headache figuring it out and working on my product than try to write my own GUI library.

    Likes: antix

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  • antixantix Member
    @bigtunacan, I agree. I did write my own GUI system and some parts of it are based on some code from Widget Candy.
  • Apollo14Apollo14 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hey guys!
    Does anybody know what is current state of WidgetCandy in 2018?
    Does it work well with Gideros or something is broken?
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • Hi @Apollo14
    I get email update of this on 11/05/2014
    (Widget Candy for Gideros Update 1.1.75)
    Just reopen and test for you. It works quite good!
    The only problem is they do not update quite long ago

    Likes: Apollo14

    Coming soon
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  • antixantix Member
    There are a couple of bugs that I found and when I emailed the support email address got no answer. I cannot remember where the errors were now it was so long ago. Eventually I gave up on contacting that guy and wrote my own GUI system.

    Likes: Apollo14

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  • try the 'layout gui' instead (search forum), for me it's philosophy/logic is a bit confusing, does not feel like made in lua, but certainly it can do a lot.

    Likes: Apollo14

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  • antixantix Member
    Layout is very cool but for small projects a bit like using a bazooka to kill an ant ;)
  • piepie Member
    @antix I would not say so: layout is really powerful and needs just a single file to work out of the box in multiple ways. It was heavier before gideros native font caching.
    Its biggest problem to me is the learning curve: it really lacks tutorials and documentation, and even if the code is well written I personally find it very hard to follow and to understand how to fit examples to my needs.

    Likes: antix

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  • amnonamnon Member
    I've just started developing some basic components that I needed for Gideros (such as non-bitmap rounded buttons and button grid). Very simple and intuitive to use and targeted for cases where other tools are overkill.

    Check out the project and demo at github (amnond/gideros-components)

    Still working on adding stuff, let me know if you have suggestions.
    +1 -1 (+4 / -0 )Share on Facebook
  • @amnon, i guess you know about the Layout GUI class for gideros (Even though at the end i stopped using it as the syntax of it is very alien to me).
  • Apollo14Apollo14 Member
    edited July 2018
    amnon said:

    Check out the project and demo at github (amnond/gideros-components)

    Still working on adding stuff, let me know if you have suggestions.

    What you're planning to achieve in future with these components? Right now it looks like overcomplicated way to add few buttons. I'm also new to Gideros, probably I've totally missed something important. :smile:

    Usually I just set appWidth&appHeight as constants, scaling mode to 'letterbox', and don't bother about adaptive design, stretching the grid, etc.
    (I have an allergy, I've eaten too much CSS sh*t when I was working with websites, I don't want any of this stuff in my life anymore :smiley: )
    > Newcomers roadmap: from where to start learning Gideros
    "What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
    “The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
  • antixantix Member
    @amnon looking good. It would b e better if each button had its own callback :)
  • amnonamnon Member
    antix said:

    @amnon looking good. It would b e better if each button had its own callback :)

    @antix You're right of course, I'm on it... :smile:
  • amnonamnon Member
    keszegh said:

    @amnon, i guess you know about the Layout GUI class for gideros (Even though at the end i stopped using it as the syntax of it is very alien to me).

    I glanced at it but sometimes (and usually for simple things) the trouble of creating something new is less than learning/adapting a given solution to your requirements.
  • amnonamnon Member
    Apollo14 said:

    What you're planning to achieve in future with these components?

    "The path is wiser than the person traveling it" :smiley: Seriously, I have no idea. Found some free time to play with Gideros and needed some missing building blocks. There are other components I'd like to add, but time will tell.
    Apollo14 said:

    Right now it looks like overcomplicated way to add few buttons. I'm also new to Gideros, probably I've totally missed something important. :smile:

    Well, I'm quite new to Gideros so can't guarantee there isn't a better way to do things, but I was looking for a simple way to create rounded buttons on the fly (without bitmaps) and didn't find any. Then I wanted to find a simple and generic way to place them in a grid layout and didn't find that either. I also wanted a simple way to transfer control between screens. SceneManager was a good candidate but since I have a bit of time to play with ideas I've added a ViewManager too. I'm just having fun with experimenting - if it helps anyone, that's a bonus :smile:

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