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High crash rate on ios — Gideros Forum

High crash rate on ios

uzubariuzubari Member
edited April 2016 in General questions
I was getting too many crashes on ios but the dump files on ios did not help me, I have integrated crashlytics and do several successful trial of getting the crashes sourced from the lua code.

I have released the application with the hope that I would locate the bugs on my lua code. Till now I got 9 crashes with 4 different types but unfortunately they are all not from lua.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/aa7hj7dyyf5dw0p/Screenshot 2016-04-19 17.12.45.png?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5qeijrgqy10fof/Screenshot 2016-04-19 17.19.42.png?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tsmsqe7ujpsnfec/Screenshot 2016-04-19 17.20.50.png?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/2tswjnta9ftjrk1/Screenshot 2016-04-19 17.22.17.png?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg5i17rnvy0xi3k/Screenshot 2016-04-19 17.23.14.png?dl=0

All of them have crashed in common with KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS signal..

Thus I suspect from a memory leak. But I cannot go further,

My application using url calls frequently,
I am using Gideros Update 2015.10.

Any suggestion how to proceed?


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