Hello all. I am Scott.
I am part of a father and son game development team. We do it for love first and money second.
After using Marmalade for a couple of years we stumbled across Gideros and have just decided to have a go at making a few games with it. It really does look like the perfect platform for fast game creation. We can focus on the game rather than all the tech stuff.
I have over 30 years of experience in as a game developer, releasing my first game "droids" on the commodore 64 in the good old days. I have written games for most systems over the years as a sole developer or part of a massive team.
If you would like to see some of our recent games then here are a couple of links to the games I have written with my Son "Sckewi" who is also joining this lovely development community.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/developer?id=DevWilliams&hl=en_GBhttps://itunes.apple.com/gb/developer/devwilliams/id455784703It is just the two of us writing these games with the graphics being done by me so please be kind with your criticisms.
I hope to be able to contribute here and share some of my many years of programming and development experience.
Cheers. Scott.
Welcome on board!
Likes: rolfpancake, john26
Good old Commodore 64 games
Thanks for the comment about the graphics. Creating graphics is torture for me. I have always loved programming and I probably always will. I use Blender to build the 3d stuff and Photoshop for most other things. With a little done here and there with Paint.net. Blender really is a fantastic program for any indie developer.
I have had a couple of days with Gideros now. It is absolutely superb. Deploying to the viewer over wifi is genius. So quick. I am going to start a game right away and will probably be writing plugins etc when I need them.
I am really blown away by how flexible yet easy to use Gideros is.
Cheers. Scott.
Likes: simwhi, SinisterSoft, rolfpancake, john26
It's great to welcome you here. So nice to meet someone from the good old days of 8 bit computing! I was a ZX Spectrum fan myself back in the day but C64 was also common here in the UK. My game, Nebula Retro was an attempt to recreate the style of those games -- not sure if I succeeded. It's open source now so you might want to take a look for coding hints etc (or download from Google Play)
I look forward to seeing what you do with Gideros! You're right, Gideros is a great tool, simple and powerful (and free!) I can see the games you link are of high quality... Do you have a website with all your games over the years? That would be interesting!
Likes: antix
Nice looking game you have there. I will definitely use your source as a resource. Thank you.
Thanks for the comment on the quality of the games. We do try our best to make presentable products.
I'm sorry but I don't keep a list of what I have done. Maybe I should get a list together someday. You may remember my first Megadrive game. "Krusty's Super Fun House". That was written in my bedroom when I was a young lad. All in assembler. All designed, Everything in that game was done by just two people. The Graphics were by pat Fox.
You will be seeing a Gideros game from me within the next few weeks hopefully. It takes a while becuase I am really slow when creating graphics.
I can't believe Gideros is free. I would at least pay something for it. I am planning to make donations on each update and a donation each time I release a game I have created with it. I would really love to see it grow
Cheers. Scott.
Likes: antix, SinisterSoft, gorkem, totebo
Likes: simwhi
And yes, you have the right idea! We encourage users to donate for *each* release in recognition of the effort it takes to build and test a new version of Gideros (and the cool new features and bug fixes of course!). Gideros will always be free and open source but donations will ensure more features, more frequent releases, fewer bugs and better documentation
I'm still new to Gideros and I'm enjoying how much flexible it is to create things.
Firstly, my name is Paulo, I'm Brazillian, I love technology and seek to grow on knowledge of programming and similars. I'm new to game development but not too new at programming itself but compared to you all I'm a baby on programming journey but you can asure that I can agregate my knowledges too. About Gideros, in so short time I'm amazed at how I could and can grow and how good is to create things in it.
I can say that I'm an old games fan, and I have a curiosity to know about how 16 bit or 8 bit games were made. I feel amazed at how they could create things in so many limitations they had and lack of tools. If someone already had this experience on old game programming I'd love to know from you how It was.
Likes: oleg, Apollo14, SinisterSoft, antix
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