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Retain pixel sharpness — Gideros Forum

Retain pixel sharpness

totebototebo Member
edited April 2016 in General questions
You know when you've hit a brick wall and you know why it's there, but you wish there was a sneaky way to avoid it? Here goes.

My pixel game uses scaleMode pixelPerfect at 320x480 to look sharp. All art is tuned to this resolution, and there is a lot of art. Now I want to zoom in to make the gameworld a little bigger. Brick wall! I have tried:

- Changing the setLogicalDimensions to slightly smaller, to increase the pixel size. The "next one down" is 180x240. This makes the pixels too big. If I set scaleMode to letterbox and try other values, the pixels are distorted.
- Increasing the setLogicalDimensions to 960x1280 and downscaling by setScale on the sprite. Distorted pixels.

I know. It's impossible. But... is it?
My Gideros games: www.totebo.com


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