Recently there has been some discussion about how to grow the Gideros community. To me personally I think one key thing is to get games out there that are made with Gideros, and advertise that fact.
To this end I have created a small Gideros splash screen that I will be using in my own games. Maybe some of you will also join the crusade to make Gideros more visible by including it (or your own version of) in your games too.
Here is a video of the splash screenThe splash screen seems to happily adapt to any screen resolution, background color (black or white are best IMHO), and device orientation.
The splash screen requires that you are using
SceneManager to manage your game scenes (which you all should be). In the attached example you will see that SceneManager transitions to the splash scene first. When it does that, it also passes in the information required for the next scene which generally will be your own splash screen or game intro.
In the splash scenes there is a variable (self.debugging()) which if set to true will allow you to skip the splash scene. You should remember to set this to false in your production code because we don't want people to be able to skip our splash screen

If you examine the example project you will see that I have attempted to make it as easy it use as possible. If you are having any problems getting it working, just post here

I discovered today on my Pixel C that sometimes when starting the splash screen, the logo appears full sized and visible for a frame. Ive updated the class so on initialization it sets the logos size and alpha to 0. This fixes it nicely.
First the Gideros splash scene shows. Once it is complete, it starts the Antix splash scene. Once that is complete, it starts the Game scene. If you examine the code in main.lua you will see that you can in theory daisy chain an infinite number of splash scenes together.
Then your product will look like a Hollywood movie with fifteen minutes of splash scenes before you even get to the movie (which will no doubt be some overly expensive special effect fest with no story whatsoever)
If you are going to use this code as a base for your own splash scenes I simply ask that you don't just use my Antix scene as your second splash scene and change the logo to your own. Make your own damn splash scene :bz
This new version includes a couple of extra classes. The first one is my prefs class which saves and loads application settings. The two scenes also use the soundVolume variable from the saved prefs file to set the volume for their sound effects.
The second one is just the shell of my encryption class which I use to encrypt all saved information. It is included only because it is required by the prefs class. This shell just returns what has been supplied as input so you will need to actually add your own encryption code in the placeholder functions or find some other code. There is a thread here that has some simple encryption that you could possibly experiment with.
any questions just ask
Likes: SinisterSoft, tytadas, hgy29, hotbuttered, talis
Likes: antix
I'm new to Gideros and haven't started making my first game yet. I'm still reading about Gideros and making notes. I expect to start planning my first game later today and actually start writing code on the weekend.
I stumbled across this post while looking on the forum for information about version control. Don't ask me how this is related to version control, it's not.
I looked at the video in the post. I don't like to be critical, this is only an observation/suggestion/comment. When I see the video, because it has the word "mobile" in it, I (and I think most people) think it is an ad for some cellular service.
I know the video is quite short and people won't have time to read a lot, but perhaps adding a bit of text, something like, "Another game created using:".
Antix, you've replied to some of my questions and I appreciate that. A LOT. So I appreciate what you do for Gideros and us users, especially beginners.
Once I get my game going, I doubt that I'll use this video as it is. As I said, it appears to me to be an ad for a cellular service and that's not part of the image I want to present. I am, however, not against stating that my game is created using Gideros. It is my intention to (with the Gideros' permission) place something on the splash screen that says something like "This game was created using the Gideros framework." And with Gideros' permission, I'll add the logo.
But that's a bit down the road. Once I get the game close to being finished, I'll contact Gideros about this.
Again, thanks for your help to me personally and to the community in general.
Likes: SinisterSoft, talis, antix
When I think about it.. it does read like an advert for a mobile phone company
You can change the logo to be whatever you want really. I might have a play with it a bit later today and upload something less "phone company"
The Gideros logo now says "Powered By Gideros" so there's no way you will mistake Gideros for any kind of telecommunications company
The Antix scene has been refactored as the MySplash scene which makes it easier to understand for new users so they know to put their company logo in the "mysplash" folder and such
As usual, any questions just ask :bz
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