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Clarification for particles — Gideros Forum

Clarification for particles

papirosnikpapirosnik Member
edited July 2016 in General questions
Hi there!
I'm glad to see a new Particles class.
I'm inventing my particle system (with many emitters and particle groups). I intended to use Mesh for particles render purposes, so Particles class is exactly that I need.
But it seems we need more clarification about it.
What is the ttl and what is decay? How they interact and do they interfere each to other? Why they state that ttl is measured in seconds but actually it isn't? In star field example, ttl = 200, but start don't look living neither 200 nor 0.2 sec. Is TTL measured in frames?
Questions, questions and so on...
Maybe, some more detailed post in blog about new features?


  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    Hi @papirosnik,

    Particles are actually at an alpha stage, so API will be upgraded depending on what you think about it after playing a little with them.

    ttl is expressed in frames, yes, and decay is a factor applied to speed after each frame: <1, the particle will decelerate, >1 the particle will accelerate.

    Those particles doesn't interfere with each others (no physics), use Box2D particles if you need interaction.

    Hope this helps!

    Likes: antix

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  • Yeah, this helps, thank you.
    It seems too early to use this particles class in real world, just for evalution only...

    Some proposals:

    - size of particles in pixelsdoesn't look like a good idea.

    - a dead particle stays still visible on the stage (as a white pixel). Maybe some event when particle dies? In order to manually remove it.

    - it would be nice give us oportunity not only to set hardcoded values but also their boundary values. For examle, setParticleColor() is a nice function, but more convenient would be setParticleColor(from, to) for its entire lifetime. And an interpolation function for changing those values would be a peak of chic )

    some other thoughts coming soon... )

    Likes: SinisterSoft

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  • papirosnikpapirosnik Member
    edited July 2016
    Why a particle is visible even its alpha is 0?
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    It is a bug :)
  • totebototebo Member
    @hgy29, feature! :)

    I'd love to see Particles develop and would be able to use them in my next game if:

    - The slowdown on older devices were addressed
    - The quality of bitmap textures were maintained on older devices

    Are those two things likely to be addressed? Also welcoming other bug fixes and API improvements of course. :)
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer

    We'll do our best to improve things, though probably not in next release, however I am not sure how to overcome the slowdown (got a few ideas though).
    I have already fixed a few obvious/easy bugs for next release, like alpha not taken into account issue.

    Likes: totebo

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