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Android Bug - New 2016.8.1 Release Consumes 5-10% CPU in Background — Gideros Forum

Android Bug - New 2016.8.1 Release Consumes 5-10% CPU in Background

EricCarrEricCarr Member
edited September 2016 in Bugs and issues
After sending a beta out with the new Gideros version (2016.8.1), I received report of top battery usage, even when the app was started and not used (stays in the background).

The Issue
Sure enough, when I run and "ADB shell top -m 10" and launch my app (or just the GiderosAndroidPlayer) and return to the home screen so the app is in the background, it consumes 3-5% of cpu along with the /system/bin/mediaserver consuming a similar amount.

Each Gideros app running in the background consumes an additional 3-4% of cpu in the mediaserver.

I then tested on the previous version (2016.4) and it was fine. So it is new with this release and related to mediaserver.

EDIT: This happens in GiderosAndroidPlayer without executing any LUA code. Just open the GiderosAndroidPlayer, see the white screen, then return to the phone home screen and the issue presents itself.

The Cause
Perhaps the new audio framework has a bug whereby the app isn't properly "pausing/stopping" the audio related threads when the app is in the background?

Work Around
To get around this, I may have to have the app listen to being set to background and kill itself after X seconds. But it would still be good to get this resolved soon! :)

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