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Gideros Studio Theme

stetsostetso Member
edited February 2017 in User experience
Hi crowd,

I am really enjoying Gideros so far and I think it is a pity that it is not better known. Since I am the kind of person that thinks an aesthetically pleasing working environment is also important, I created a new theme for Gideros Studio. It also comes with new icons and a light and dark syntax theme. It is a port of the Outlander Theme for Atom with a few tweaks.

It is still work in progress (some icons need work etc) but it is perfectly usable. Unfortunately, theming in QT is not easy especially if you do not know it at all (like myself). One of the things that might be useful even if you do not like the theme is that I cleaned up the theme file from all the garbage that was in there (I think they were just taken from another QT-app, Mumble, unchanged so contained a lot of noise). There might still be a lot of unnecessary stuff in it but it is a start.

I am on Mac which means I cannot see the menu bar at the top so I couldnt check it. If it looks completely out of place, please share a screenshot and I try to fix it from there.

Also: a few things are unfortunately not changeable from the theme files like the background of the header bars of the tree view and the image preview (and more). They are hardcoded in the source so it only be necessary to remove them from there. (I tried to get QT to do it myself, but it turned out to be a 20GB install which I dont have atm :(( ).

This is only a small contribution and I hope you like it :)

- copy over the .qss, the .ini and the GiderosOutlanderDark_res folder into the themes directory of Gideros Studio
- if you like to use the custom icons, replace the images.png file with the one in the Resources/ folder of Gideros Studio (make a BACKUP of the original one before overwriting it!!!!)
- also the UI uses the Roboto Font, you may want to install it
- the syntax uses the Fira Mono font and it might fall back to something awful if it is not installed... if so you need to replace all instaces of Fira Mono in the .ini file with a font of your choice

I hope I did not forget anything, otherwise: let me know!

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  • @stetso, very cool. I would use this but I'm using ZeroBrane Studio :)
  • Updated the theme, fixing a few annoyances (and most likely adding new ones) and updated the icons, the color themes and the instructions. If there is anything that you would like to see changed, feel free to tell me. I am quite happy with it now ;)
    It is not ZeroBrane Studio, but that did not work properly for me somehow so I'll stick with Gideros Studio for now...
    Bonus: check out the tiny Gideros icon that replaced the Project icon \m/
  • @stetso hmm strange, many users are running ZB Studio without any issues. Gideros Studio is pretty good but ZB Studio has the "outline" pane which makes navigating source files easier. It also can accommodate themes but only really the fonts and window colors :)

    Likes: simwhi

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  • @antix, I've tried ZB a couple of times, but every time I do I feel hampered by the test-on-device rigmarole. I seem to remember that Gideros IDE has to be running and it's all a bit awkward? Maybe this has changed, or maybe I didn't get how it worked.

    How is the ZB workflow for you?

    Likes: antix

    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
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  • antixantix Member
    edited February 2017
    @totebo, I have no idea if ZB can test to device. I always used Gideros Studio for that.

    ZB workflow is fantastic, especially that outline pane :bz

    I only go back To Gideros Studio to add assets, test on device, and export to APK.
  • Okay, yeah that makes sense. I also like the more complete code completion and project overview. But working on a multiplayer game I have to test on device all the time. :)
    My Gideros games: www.totebo.com
  • @antix @totebo, I used to use Atom with some relatively cool Lua plugins (linter and a pretty useful autocomplete provider) but also felt like alt-tabbing between Atom and Studio was a bit clunky. ZB somehow did not work correctly, whenever I tried to run the project it would open a new player instance or tell me it cannot find a player (so it was alt-tabbing again)... The text editing experience in Studio could certainly be better but since my projects have been relatively small up to now, it is not too bad. So I keep using it until it becomes unwieldy.
  • @stetso thanks. Well I switched to ZB when I started to get thousands of line of code. Gideros Studio became a nightmare to use at that stage.

    Initially I had problems with ZB but that was ages ago. The latest version of ZB works really well.
  • keszeghkeszegh Member
    edited February 2017
    @totebo, @stetso, don't miss out on zbs, with the outline window, debugging etc., it's way more convenient than gideros studio. i just use gideros studio for exporting.

    for simple on-device testing see the end of my tutorial:
    briefly, you just need to add something like the following lines to any of your lua files (with the appropriate device ip's of your test devices) and click on the appropriate one when you test on that device:
    [set remote debugging at](macro:shell(ide.config.gideros = {remote = ""}))
    [set remote debugging to tablet](macro:shell(ide.config.gideros = {remote = ""}))
    [set local debugging](macro:shell(ide.config.gideros = nil))
    i also had some timeout problems with zbs+gdrbridge, but tweaking some timeout constants in the gideros.lua file in the zbs\interpreters folder made it working for me. i attach what i have, perhaps it will work on your machine too.

    give it a try.


    Likes: stetso, antix

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  • actually this gideros.lua might be the same that comes with zbs, so maybe lately i did not even need to tweak the constans within it. in any case if you have time-out problems, you can try to change values within this file.
  • stetsostetso Member
    edited February 2017
    Alright, thanks! Maybe it is time to try ZBS again then :) On a sidenote: you can also get an outline view in atom using the symbols-tree-view package. Together with the linter and the autocomplete gives you a relatively powerful mini-IDE as well sans the Gideros specifics. Anyway, thanks for your input!

    EDIT: Oh and Atom does not offer a debugger of course, although I faintly remember that someone built a plugin with debugging and Gideros Player support for VS Code. Its here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=devCAT.lua-debug but seems to work only on Windows?!?
  • @stetso, i never tried atom, but it's certainly good that in zbs you can also run and debug your code in gideros easily, so the outline window is not the only good thing about it. actually on zbs it's one click (or keypress) to run my code while even in gideros studio it's two clicks, one to run the player and one to send the code.
    did you hear about live-coding in zbs? that's also useful (and fun) from time to time.

    Likes: antix

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  • @stetso I also never tried atom. Once I found ZB Studio, I was in love @};-
  • HI guys,

    I've been using ZBS for a few years now, and I wouldn't change to another IDE. The ability to add breakpoints while debugging is completely indispensable (using mobdebug).

    Likes: antix

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