Can Gideros recognize gestures?
Don't worry Atilim, it's not a feature request.
Answer is, now Gideros can do it!
With a great help from my wife (she's a developer too), here is a Gestures class for Gideros: a video how it works:
As usually feel free to modify and use in any projects you want.
I'm only trying to keep up with yours @GregBUG and with @ndoss contributions.
particle engine and polygon decomposition, that's what is really awesome
@ar2rsawseen btw, do you know this algorithm:
Edit: I should look at your code before asking this question
Likes: phongtt
Which uses Protractor algorithm, and yes it's seems to be similar to one you've mentioned.
Likes: phongtt
I've been playing with it and found that it seems to be direction sensitive - if I draw a square in a cloclwise direction it recognises it as a square but if I do it in an anti-clockwise direction it recognises it as a circle. The opposite is true if I draw circles - anti-clockwise gives circles, clockwise gives squares.
I realise that is OK if you are using it for specific gestures but wondered if there any way of defining the shapes so that they are not direction sensitive? I'm thinking in terms of a kids shape app, hence the need for recognising a square in either direction. Would I need to define a clockwise square and an anti-clockwise one?
Thanks, Pete
thank you very much for feedback.
Yes, I'm aware of this issue, it is direction sensitive. I haven't thought of this as problem, cause it fit my needs perfectly.
I'll try to come up with solution, till now, it is possible to define two shapes (clock wise and counter clock wise) with same name and same callback function. That should work, atleast I think it should.
Likes: GregBUG
Pure wonderful!
and also inspired me an idea for a new game! ! >:D<
My apps:
As a by product of this I've enhanced the original class to handle multi-stroke gestures. The original could do this but it treats the gesture as if it has been written without lifting the pen. The original uses the Protractor algorithm and this one uses my version of N-Protractor. It has an easy way to train new gestures and save them out for subsequent loading:
The code is MIT licensed so use it in any projects you like.
Best regards
Likes: atilim, OZApps, chipster123, talis
Thank you for sharing that
And recording is awesome
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