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Simple Swipe Right? — Gideros Forum

Simple Swipe Right?

edited December 2017 in General questions
I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I got the hang of mouse down and mouse up, but how would I detect a swipe to the right?

Thank you!


  • You should use an on touch event, then check to see if the the movement is going right over time, eg start a counter, if the event x is moving a specific delta or more and it has done it for x consecutive events then it's it's a swipe to the right.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • the search is not working on the forum, yet i think somebody made a helper class for gestures in the past. search on google for gideros gesture maybe.
  • There is a ready-made "Gestures" class, I didn't try it myself yet, but I guess it works :)

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  • After adding Gestures class in your project the code is so simple to use with Scenemanager.
    Add this code snippet to all your secenes to the init function.
    local function callback(name)
    	if name=='Backward' then
    	--Your code when it is backward swipe
            --You can change scene for example if you want
    	--Your code when it is forward swipe
            --You can change scene for example if you want
    local gest = Gestures.new({
        debug = true,
        draw = false,
        drawColor = 0xff0000,
        drawWidth = 5,
        autoTrack = true,
        scope = self,
        allowRotation = false,
        inverseShape = false,
        points = 33
    gest:addGesture('Forward', {
        {x = 0, y = 0},
        {x = 0, y = 50}
    }, callback)
    gest:addGesture('Backward', {
       {x = 50, y = 0},
        {x = 0, y = 0}
    }, callback)
  • edited December 2017
    Thank you everyone for your responses!
    I added the Gesture.lua file to my project and added in the above code to my main.lua.
    I added in a
    print("swiped forward")
    after the else in
    if name == 'Backward' then
    and for some reason it always just prints "swiped forward" even when I'm just touching the screen/tapping.
    Did I do something wrong?
  • simple method
    function LevelSelectScene:onMouseDown(event)
     startX = event.x
    function LevelSelectScene:onMouseUp(event)
    endX = event.x
    if endX- startX > 100 then
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  • Thank you, but (and I apologize again if this is a stupid question) I changed LevelSelectScene to stage (assuming that was the right thing to do because I don't have anything called that in my game) and nothing happens.
    I know I'm missing something, if someone could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it!!
    Thanks so much!

    PS: I'm not using the swipe to change scenes or whatever, I'm just using it to activate a "boost" on my character... if that matters at all...?
  • @MidnightCoffee
    listeners added?

    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, self.onMouseDown, self)
    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_UP, self.onMouseUp, self)
    my games:
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  • Okay, so now I get an error: "attempt to index global 'self' (a nil value)"
    My code is as follows:
    -- ///////// Swipe Events //////////
    function stage:onMouseDown(event)
     startX = event.x
    function stage:onMouseUp(event)
    endX = event.x
    if endX- startX > 100 then
    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, self.onMouseDown, self)
    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_UP, self.onMouseUp, self)
    Thank you so much for your help! I know I'm making some stupid mistake, but I can't seem to figure it out...
  • antixantix Member
    edited December 2017
    Try this instead..
    -- ///////// Swipe Events //////////
    function onMouseDown(event)
     startX = event.x
    function onMouseUp(event)
    endX = event.x
    if endX- startX > 100 then
    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown)
    stage:addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp)
    You need to learn about the whole self thingy. self is used within classes to refer to the particular instance of a class. Maybe this tiny example might serve to help..
    Thing = Core.class()
    function Thing:init()
      self.name = "thing" -- this things name
      print(self.name .. " created")
    function Thing:update()
      print(self.name .. " updated")
    local myThing = Thing.new() -- make a new instance of thing
    myThing:update() -- will print the things name
    I need to improve my skills at explaining stuff I think ;)
  • edited December 2017
    Got it working! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!

    And thanks for the mini lesson! New to Gideros so that was really helpful!
  • @antix, in your example the addEventListeners should not have self.*** but only ***.

    Likes: antix

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  • @keszegh, whoops, you are totally right, corrected ;)
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