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HTML5 error — Gideros Forum

HTML5 error

adityaaditya Member
edited January 2018 in General questions
I exported a project to HTML5 but it doesn't play, getting this error below. I don't really know what this means or how to debug it. Can someone help? Using Gideros 2016.8.2

gideros.js:1 Uncaught abort(27) at Error
at jsStackTrace (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:1:27776)
at stackTrace (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:1:27959)
at abort (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:24:1710246)
at dDc (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:17:50396)
at vBc (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:17:41153)
at J0b (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:9:413448)
at Fqc (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:5:298934)
at Ubc (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:9:552897)
at WJ (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:11:163073)
at vBc (http://localhost/Tiled/gideros.js:17:41153)
If this abort() is unexpected, build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 which can give more information.

P.S. New website UI looks great.
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