A few weeks ago
@Apollo14 asked a question regarding the mechanics of Rocky Climb. I was intrigued and mashed a quick prototype together that mimicked the mechanics and posted it in his thread (
http://giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/7384/rocky-climb-mechanics-how-to#latest) (code included).
I then downloaded Rocky Climb and was enjoying it, however it's buggy as hell and it's hard to play for even 3 or 4 minutes without it crashing. And then there's the tsunami of forced adverts.. euwwwwww.
So I decided since I liked the game style I'd take my prototype code and make a clone. It has taken a couple of weeks of moderate work but now I've published my Rocky Climb clone on the Google Play Store.. it's called.. Peaky Climb

Please do give it a little try and leave a review please (good or bad)
Thanks a lot for the code example btw! It helped me a lot!
Original 'Rocky Climb' is a perfect example of clickbait, using celebrity-like image
I wouldn't even visit game's page if I wasn't curious about Silvester Stallone, wtf is he even doing there
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
I look forward to seeing what you come up with along these lines too man
several wishes:
1/color make HSV instead of RGB
2/make animation of hands
3.make the sky on the game icon transparent
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I'll experiment with the icon but I do like the current one
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Likes: antix
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So I think all I would need to do is get the HSV value.. convert that to RBG and then use those values to call setColorTransform() on each part before it is drawn to the RenderTarget.
I might give that a try tomorrow. Of more concern to me currently is the bug in Admob SDK that can cause a crash on application resume from rewarded video advert (which has no solution until google release the fix, and I suppose in turn somebody here manages to make a new plugin that includes the fix)
Likes: Apollo14
then add a head:
head:setAnchorPoint(0.5,0.5) -- or whatever!
head:setPosition(0,-100) -- set position relative to climber x,y
and so on... until the body has been made.
Then you can swap out textures using head:setTextureRegion(newTexture)
Then just add climber to your scene and it will display the whole person - you can animate bits, rotate them relative to climber, etc...
No need to use RenderTarget at all.
Likes: oleg
If the hand holds the stone, turn off the wave
Likes: SinisterSoft
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@SinishterSoft, it doesn't need to be flexible or dynamic for this game
Likes: oleg
Likes: SinisterSoft, totebo
Likes: antix