After a long time trying to decide wether 2019.1 was good for release or not (it has been on github since the beginning of the month now), I finally to decided to announce it.
2019.1 brings huge improvements regarding HTML5 export size: Gideros minimal size now half the size it used to be, going from 1.6MB down to 800kB in compressed WASM mode, significantly reducing loading time on slow connections.
The new
CompositeFont system allows you to easily create and display texts with outline or shadow effects.
But why did I hesitate to release it ? Because there are two things I wanted to fix before releasing, but didn't manage yet:
- Gideros is slow on OSX Mojave, no idea why
- WASM exports are slow on MS Edge, while they used to run ok in previous Gideros versions, and again not the slishtest clue about it
I spent a significant time trying to figure out why over the past two weeks, but finally gave up for the time being. Overall 2019.1 is still a good release so I decided to let you know in the end!
New features[core] Introduce Sprite:getChildrenFromPoint()
[gfx] Add CompositeFont object type
[gfx] Allow alpha in textfield
Improvements[html5] Reduce package size
[studio] Make paths relative in project file
[export] Probe android path from Windows Registry
Fixes[studio] Fix profiler report count field truncated
[core] Fix layout issue
[core] Ignore non constrained sprites from layout
[megacool] Fix megacool init
Likes: SinisterSoft, pie, talis, oleg, MoKaLux
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
I've seen thousands of computers whilst providing computer support to my customers and the majority of them are just using the system default browser.
From my point of concern it is not a critical issue though.
Thanks for the great contribution again.
Likes: MobAmuse
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
Likes: hgy29, antix
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:validateSigningRelease'.
> Keystore file 'C:\Projects\Mobile\Gideros\Apps\AquaSlots2TreasureIsland\Source\AquaSlots2ANDROID-STUDIO_1024x768\C:\Users\adria\Documents\AndroidStudioProjects\MyKeyStore' not found for signing config 'release'.
Likes: MobAmuse
Likes: MobAmuse
Likes: MobAmuse
I think though that it might be a good idea to soon have the default as being 64-bits included with the option to turn them or 32 bit versions off?
Likes: MobAmuse
APK signing key:
I had to put the key in the root dir of the project and then just include it as shown in the picture attached. The APK now builds as normal. I think that this is not ideal as I have lot of apps and the key (unlike before) will have to go in the root of each one perhaps now. Hopefully that can be fixed later.
Facebook Instant Games:
I updated all my apps and really noticed the speed difference *superb*. The fact that they crash on MS Edge for me is pretty cool. I don't monetise from the desktop browser versions as I currently use video ads only. That then is kinda great news as it will stop players playing my instants on desktop Edge browser
Next stop for me via Gideros/Android at least, will be waiting for the ad providers like Charboost, AppLovin and Unity providing us all with 64bit compatible Ad SDK's for Android so that I and others can meet the August 1st deadline set by Google Play for 64bit apps.
Likes: MobAmuse
I guess I lot of people will have the same problem.
Likes: MobAmuse
Likes: MobAmuse
Intel always artificially gelded hardware (like making i5 without hyper-threading, so for rendering and other specific tasks i7 or Xeon is mandatory).
Nowadays LGA2011 hardware is very affordable, yet extremely perfomant.
For only $350 whole system can be purchased: Xeon E5 1650v2 (6 cores/12 threads, 3.9Ghz, 12MB cache, hyper-threading, can be overclocked to 4+Ghz if desired) + 16Gb RAM (4*4) + motherboard with m2.nvme support
but intel wants us to buy new hardware that is 5-10% more perfomant in actual tasks, but costs many times more
Likes: talis, SinisterSoft, antix
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
There are so many i5 models that are better than i7 models, or i3,i5 ... Lots of people have no idea about what are they buying, just looking to turbo value of a single core like 3.9 ghz and thinking "perfect it should be faster than this i3", without considering other parameters.
Wild but good idea: How the nutrition facts of a food must be written on them, benchmark values must be written on the processors also.So at least beginner level users can understand better.
Likes: Apollo14, antix
CPU makers would find some way to confuse/fool the consumer into buying crap CPU's that didn't pass a test so got binned into a lower spec line (which is IMHO why they have so many lines)
Attempting to export the APK gives the following error..
This needs to be fixed as the export dialog currently states that the JDK path is optional, but if you have a fresh windows install it will not export without the JDK path being specified.
Having said that however.. once it actually attempts to export the APK I get a new error.. Can anyone explain what that gobbledegook is about and how to fix it?>