Just thought I would share this basic API I made for the lua plugin for Intellij IDEA. No documentation to go with it yet, but the API does what you need. I didn't see one out there posted anywhere yet. It's updated to work with the latest API changes.
You also need
https://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/lua-for-idea/wiki/Home as well as Intellij IDEA of course to use it.
http://pastie.org/3709547EDIT: added the missing parts evs pointed out. Thanks evs!
EDIT: added in the new changes to the API Release notes (2012.2.2)
If i missed anything just let me know. The lua plugin developer is supposed to be adding inheritance and some other nice features in his next update that will make it even better.
pastie.org is just my favorite pastebin like site (I like the dark theme). It's not a link shortener or anything. It wouldn't let me just attach the file here or I would have done that.
I used some regex and some manual editing to create it, but if Gideros used Doxygen documentation, we could auto generate the API needed. Wonder if they would be receptive to switching or adding it to the site.
There's also:
I am so tired about software where you have fiddle around to get it work. I will skip this.
After installing the LUA plugin, I got the attached error.
Do you know IntelliJ parses the html output of doxygen or needs to use a more raw format?
(I'm attaching an example of our internal documentation format. It uses markdown and a small .lua file parses and converts it into html)
It needs a more raw format. Here's an example for Moai:
http://pastebin.com/WHh8FMsS (the documention that comes up with quick help in intellij and code completion)
http://pastebin.com/ZvUud6wy (the api that goes with it)
Those can be generated from doxygen documentation using this: https://github.com/Odie/dox2intellij
I think your internal documentation could be used instead as well with quick script to pull out the bits needed and formatted into something Intellij can read. The lua plugin creator has a page on how to properly format it here: https://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/lua-for-idea/wiki/Setting_Up_Custom_Documentation
After it's parsed out and generated, the lua plugin for intellij would have no problems reading it. Would just need to add it via the directions here: https://bitbucket.org/sylvanaar2/lua-for-idea/wiki/Setting_Up_Custom_API's
If you guys are able to work it out and have the time, that would be awesome, but if not and you can supply all the documentation in a plaintext way like that somewhere on the site, I wouldn't mind taking a crack at making a parser I would share with everyone to easily update it for every new API release so we can keep using it in Intellij without manual editing.
No idea why you got an error offhand. The plugin isn't perfect, but it's still very useful and worth trying if one prefers having an IDE. Perhaps see it was submitted to the maintainer's bug reporter on bitbucket? He actively maintains the plugin and fixes things.
tested on my MacBookPro(i5), PC (QuadCore Q9550 win7) and laptop (ubuntu 12.04 with ssd vertex 3) ?
some tips to speed-up?
It also runs with java 6 by default (internal jre it comes with), but you can force it to use java 7 if you have it installed. Java 7 is a bit faster.
no problem at all with Eclipse.
i use 11.1 (an oll systems) don't know on osx or linux but on windows i'm using java 7.
i tried to deactivate all the "intentions" but not speed change...
damn! ... I really like as editor....
@gregbug That's strange because it is faster than Eclipse for me and I haven't removed any plug-ins! Just added the lua one - IntelliJ IDEA CE 11.1.1 Mac OS X 10.7.3 on an old white iMac Core 2 Duo 3 GB Ram (Java 6)
It's slow on my Netbook , but I would be shocked if a Java based IDE wasn't.
Likes: avo
Is everyone jumping ship from the Gideros IDE and going 3rd party?
Eclipse would probably work as it has a Lua plugin, but I never tried the Lua plugin myself.
The ide as is for me is sufficient so far, but I'm looking into the IntelliJ route as well, although I have the same slowness problem as GregBUG.
edit: @GregBUG I had the same problem with 2-4 sec lag on typing. I installed 11.0.2 again from yarly's link here http://devnet.jetbrains.net/docs/DOC-1228 and it seems to have fixed the problem. It's the second one, I almost got tricked into downloading the ultimate version
the main feature that i like to see in gideros ide is "functions list browser"...
very very handy for large projects... (is the major reason that i installed intelliJ)...
Likes: MikeHart
Likes: avo
It works adding to "Kahlua" for me, even though I installed Lua 5.1.4 first since I thought I had to.
Likes: GregBUG
and work fine. (also on ItelliJ 10.5.4 at full speed!)