Hi all.
I have uploaded a Gideros project in
https://github.com/jdbcdev/beatemup.git which contains my implementation of Colyseus client(
It is based on Defold Lua client (
https://docs.colyseus.io/getting-started/defold-client/), and I have tested with colyseus example (
https://github.com/colyseus/colyseus-examples) trying to create a real time multiplayer game with Gideros.
Give it a chance, although this is just a prototype, I am working on it.
When the Gideros app runs on Gideros Player, it connects to 'chat' room using websockets and colyseus client (not only for HTML target)
If the colyseus client is connected to 'chat' room, it receives a roomid and the client calls to loop function on every frame update to receive events from server, I am not sure if this is the best way (Defold uses it in that way).
But that looks cool!
Likes: SinisterSoft
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renaming your user on the pc does not work because of course windows keeps the old folder names with spaces in tem... and just changes the username LOL
I created a new user on my pc called colyseus and that worked until I discovered that if your username is the same as a module, that module never installs LOL
I suppose I have learned a couple of new things today but the end result was nothing worked hehehe
Likes: Apollo14
Colyseus server is listening on port 2567 for websocket connections, Gideros project only creates a room using websocket, the room id is shown in console:
It provides a start.sh to start server, if you use Windows should create the equivalent .bat file or just execute npm start from root directory.