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GUI library (WIP) — Gideros Forum

GUI library (WIP)

I thought, it woud be good to create a separate thread to post progress or bugs/issues.
Progress for now:

So, I had a bit of free time, and I was trying to fix some bugs, and some buttons (and even just a single pixel object) start flashing... I have no idea why that happend, but seems like a gideros BUG. Its ok on my home PC and on my phone (via wifi preview), but on my PC at work...its something crazy :cold_sweat: These flash effects completely random, sometimes everything ok, sometimes it is not.


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  • Progress for now seems really impressive. Wish you success, and if you can find time tell us about the progress in time. Again congratulations.
  • at some point i should redo the gui of my animation app and at that time i will check out all these impressive gui options that appeared recently for gideros.
  • @rrraptor apart from the funky flashing thing, that looks very cool. I must say it's looing much better than my effort currently is LOL.

    are you using 9-patches for border drawing or something else?
  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    @antix Path2D :smiley:
    Shoud I use to use 9patch for better performance? Generate texture with Path2D and then use pixel.


    On the left is generated 9patch, on the right - Path2D. They are 100x100 pixels

    So, I made a function that generates rounded rect using Pixel 9patch.
    • The size is 100% correct (you can see white rectangles behind each object, and because Path2D stroke is enlarging in both direction (inside AND outside), it looks bigger).
    • Probably better performance since its not a vector image.
    • Can be easily resized uisng "setDimensions"
    • Impossible to change fill and stroke color
    • Impossible to change stroke width and feather
    236 x 125 - 4K

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  • The cons can be got rid of by first generating your 9-patch image to a rendertexture, then if you need to change a colour or width, just regenerate the rendertexture.
    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    Well, honestly, I dont realy need to change colors "on the fly". I can use setColorTransform.
    Instead of forcing user to use Path2D, I'll let him deside which option to use.
    • Buitin gfx (Path2D, different shapes (triangle, rectangle, rounded rectangle, pentagon, hexagon, circle and etc) )
    • 9patch (requires Pixel object)
    • Image (requires Bitmap object)
  • @rrraptor Great stuff. I had no idea that Pixel had 9-patch abilities. I looked for documentation but the main website has nothing! The wiki has some information but not enough to actually be useful.

    I suppose I could mess about for a while to figure it but really... it should be well documented already.

    As far as performance goes I'll have to try it to see how it works versus a RenderTarget with manually drawn corners and edges.
  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    antix said:

    I could mess about for a while to figure

    Its easy :smile:
    local tex = Texture.new("myImage.png", true) -- can be RenderTarget
    local px = Pixel.new(0xffffff, 1, 480, 800)
    Round rect nine patch generator:
    function rrect(t)
    	local r = t.r or 12
    	local w = t.w
    	local h = t.h
    	local shape = Path2D.new()
    	local ms="MALALALAZ"
    	local mp = {0,r, 
    		r,r,0,0,1,r,0, w-r,0, 
    		r,r,0,0,1,w,r, w,h-r, 
    		r,r,0,0,1,w-r,h, r,h, 
    	shape:setFillColor(t.fill, 1)
    	shape:setLineColor(t.stroke, 1)
    	shape:setLineThickness(t.strokeW, t.strokeF)
    	return shape
    function gen9patch(t)
    	local r = t.r or 12
    	local w = t.w
    	local h = t.h
    	local sw = t.strokeW
    	t.w = sw+r*2
    	t.h = sw+r*2
    	local rt = RenderTarget.new(t.w + sw, t.h + sw, true)
    	local shape = rrect(t)
    	local px = Pixel.new(0xffffff, 1, w, h)
    	rt:draw(shape, sw/2,sw/2)
    	return px
    local params = {
    	w = 200, h = 100, r = 24, 
    	fill = 0x000040, stroke = 0xf00000, strokeW = 4, strokeF = 0.3,
    local sh = rrect(params)
    sh:setPosition(20, 20)
    local ninePatch = gen9patch(params)
    ninePatch:setPosition(20, 200)

  • antixantix Member
    edited November 2019
    @rrraptor thanks. I already figured out how it works, but had to update my Gideros which was still 2019.2 :D

    That sure does make creating these patches very easy. Since they will be used for user interfaces I don't think performance is a big issue. The biggest issue with interfaces seems to be the event listening, that can seriously suck the CPU ;)

    One issue with the patches is that if you have a patch size of say 16, but make your pixel smaller than 32 in either axis, it stretches the pixel in a strange manner and looks bad. This is of course overcome by not making the pixel too small ;)

    Now that I see how this works I will just use this method in my interface editor since this lets you use very small textures.

    Ughhh... can anyone tell me why the Pixel cannot use a texture from a TexturePack? does that not seem retarded to anyone else?

    EDIT: But I can get a TextureRegion from a TexturePack... create a RenderTarget with the same dimensions as the TextureRegion, create a BitMap from the TextureRegion, draw the Bitmap to the RenderTarget... and that is accepted by the Pixel as a Texture!!! Crazyness :D

    Could Pixel pretty please work with a TextureRegion as fetched from a TexturePack? :)
  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    antix said:

    Ughhh... can anyone tell me why the Pixel cannot use a texture from a TexturePack? does that not seem retarded to anyone else?

    Well, it kinda works :smiley: The texture is moved, so you cant see it. Try to play around with Pixel:setTextureScale and Pixel:setTexturePosition. You will see the results :D

  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    antix said:

    Ughhh... can anyone tell me why the Pixel cannot use a texture from a TexturePack? does that not seem retarded to anyone else?

    I keep falling into that trap myself, so I end up working around the issue and in the end forget about it... until I start another project and hit the issue again. Yes Pixel needs to support TextureRegion, I'll try to find time to fix that.

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  • @hgy29 that would be fantastic...Pixel really needs that ability, well for the purposes of my GUI library at least LOL. I can still keep working on my editor in the meanwhile.
  • Point to a square wrapped texture is handy though, if you change the texture position then you can do nice effects like those in the background of this game:

    Likes: oleg

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • Point to a square wrapped texture is handy though, if you change the texture position then you can do nice effects like those in the background of this game:

    And not better to make such a background with tiles?
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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    oleg said:

    And not better to make such a background with tiles?
    Or do it all on gpu with instanced rendering ;)
  • tutorials guys :o

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  • That is just one 'pixel' sprite set to the size of the screen, with a wraparound texture that has been scaled. I then just change the do a set texture position to scroll the texture. Works great.

    Likes: MoKaLux, oleg

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • 	border=Pixel.new(mytexture,1,1)
    then each interrupt...

    Likes: MoKaLux, antix

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • Easier + probably faster than tiles.

    Likes: MoKaLux

    Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
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  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    I don't know why but I thought that groups would be interesting to code, so I did this:

    Project attached.

    P.S. Sorry for messy code in main file ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    354 x 585 - 160K

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  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    Ok, I made a magic load function, to simplify group initialization.
    Example from GIF:
    local master = Group.new("Master")
    	"test1", {
    		"test2", {
    			"test4", {
    	"test3", {

    Also, fold, unfold and switch functions now separated, added "queryName" function that return a group with given name.

    Likes: oleg

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  • @rrraptor pretty neat... I've always struggled with lists :)
  • Many accordion variants can be borrowed from JS

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  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    @oleg in js+css+html its easy. But gideros is game engine, so imagine you are using js+canvas. How hard it will be?
  • rrraptor said:

    @oleg in js+css+html its easy. But gideros is game engine, so imagine you are using js+canvas. How hard it will be?

    It's still easier in the game engine B)
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  • Indeed, in the world of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript those things are almost trivial ;)

    I was thinking about things just the other day and I realized that I could have just used absolutely placed HTML elements in my editor, instead of redrawing every shape into an HTML5 canvas LOL. It's been good JavaScript practice however ;)

    Likes: oleg

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  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    Is there anyone who used ECS (Entity Component Systems)? I though that it would be easier to make whole GUI using ECS (tiny-ecs for example), but I already stacked before coding on prototyping Entities, Components and Systems :smiley:
    Im thinking about something like this:
    -- Systems:
    -- touchSystem
    -- eventSystem ?
    -- Components (holds ONLY data):
    -- cpanel (base component?)
    -- cbutton
    -- clist
    -- ctree
    -- cslider
    -- Entities (UI elements itself):
    -- button (cbutton)
    -- list (cbutton + clist)
    -- group (cbutton + ctree)
    -- tab (cbutton + cpanel)
    -- slider (cbutton + cslider)
    -- etc
    But maybe you guys have better ideas?) Or maybe ECS is bad idea? :D

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    In the GUI I am making, I used a similar approach: data is not part of the UI component, and it can be virtually any lua value. I used the ‘adapter’ approach, like in android native layouts: the UI element takes a developer supplied adapter function to map the data to whatever the UI element needs.

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  • I don't think ECS is a bad idea but I feel its better to keep things as simple as possible behind the scenes. If a user wants to extend the system or make some small changes, they should be able to do that with relative ease.

    I didn't really understand anything you said @hgy29 but it sounds funky ;)
  • rrraptorrrraptor Member
    edited November 2019
    So I was playing around with ECS, but decided to stick with original idea, and as @antix mentioned, keep thing as simple as possible.
    Currently Im working on a window component that allows you to easily create forms from code. But today I decided to add textured buttons :blush:

    556 x 117 - 104K
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