Here's a relatively simple 3D game intended as an example of how 3D models can be used in Gideros.

I'm not calling this a tutorial since I'm not walking through the steps of its creation, but I've added comments to main.lua in an attempt to thoroughly explain the function of all the code. I'm including the Blender files for the models used in the game. The attention to detail here is limited: I spent about 12 hours on this project, including 3D modeling, texture creation, sound editing, coding, and documenting the code.
- I don't claim this game is in a state ready for publication on app stores. Publishing it was never the intent.
- The game hasn't been thoroughly tested.
- I'm not attempting to teach 3D modeling. There are great Blender tutorials already out there.
- People might find the game fun to play, but the game play itself isn't the focus.
You can play the game in a browser here: can download the source code here: this however you like, with the exception of publishing the game, either as-is or with only minor modifications.
I hope this is helpful to those interested in trying 3D development with Gideros.
Likes: keszegh
PS -
@SinisterSoft, I remember checking out your 3D space game. That's very cool! I was impressed and inspired then, and I still am. That's great work! My sample isn't nearly as detailed or complete a game as what you created.
I've mixed 3D and 2D in Gideros before, but until recently I've always done the 3D part in my own code, displayed through the 2D support of Gideros. My biggest source of income is Fly Fishing Simulator HD. In that game I use 2D images, built from photos and video to make an animated loop of an actual river, and then add 3D content like a fishing rod and line by scaling and positioning 2D elements based on their 3D coordinates. For instance, I use a function to generate 2D screen coordinates for a 3D point based on the field of view and angle of the camera, which I configured for each fishing site. That allowed me to render the segments of a fishing line in 3D with a series of 2D Shape elements. There are other ways to accomplish 3D effects with a 2D engine, and I was exploring doing more of that in my next project before I learned just how much could be accomplished with Gideros as a thin layer over OpenGL.
Likes: SinisterSoft
You can publish it for free and it will bring you new users for your other games
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That said, if you (or whomever reads this) wants to make some improvements and then publish it, contact me. If you make changes that make it a game that will sustain people's attention, and want to sign a publishing agreement that gives everyone involved a fair share of the revenue it might produce, I'm open to discussing that.
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But we may need a new thread about how to make a game succeed in today's market. I'll make a new post on that subject. But if you or anyone wants to publish a game based on my 3D space game sample, shoot me a PM and we'll discuss it.
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: keszegh