The forthcoming Gideros 2020.5 will have support for joypads on HTML5...
We have made a test example: are currently testing joypad support for UWP and XBox One!

A controller demo will also be in the Gideros examples folder to help you add controller support to your games.
Many thanks to
@hgy29 for all his hard work with this, it was trickier than we first thought it would be.
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!).
I guess the only market for html5 nowadays is Facebook Instant Games? (and probably russian VK and chinese WeChat)
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: SinisterSoft
I was going to test on xbox today, but since I changed SinisterSoft to Deluxe Pixel they have completely messed up my dev account. I've messaged id@xbox through twitter and also reapplied through the Deluxe Pixel name to the id@xbox programme. Hopefully they will respond soon.
With all the support system going around in circles I'm wondering if anyone else who has an id@xbox account can test? It's just a simple joypad program that needs verifying to work...
I've also reached out on my facebook, hopefully someone will be able to test it for us later today.
Other than that it all built fine.
I was able to send the joypad test app (available in the next official release) to the Xbox:
Unfortunately, the joypad acts as a mouse! I think this is the solution:
@hgy29 Will know more though. Some kind of export switch to add this and disabled the ads (I think they are different on xbox - not sure - I needed to disable the plugin on my tests) would be a good idea. It would also let people know that they can specifically target the xbox one.
Anyhow, I tested a couple of other things to make sure all was working - everything seemed ok. Here is Bacteria on Xbox One...
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux, keszegh
Thanks to @hgy29 for his hard work with this. It was all more complicated than we first thought.
Likes: keszegh
Likes: SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game