hello everyone !
hope everything is ok for you, everywhere on the planet

I'm back with few questions/issues and the need of some help.
I tried to export a very simple project (1 image and 2 text fields on the screen and basta !) with the HTML5 export. I didn't checked the FBinstant option as I'm out of this unwelcoming universe for the moment.
1. I just want to display my project on a web page. But, it only works on Chrome and Edge. It keeps loading (spinner) on Firefox and Brave. I'm not sure but I think it's a problem of cross-origin calls. I also read the Sinistersoft topic about adblocker but my firefox is vanilla (no ad-block extension). And, I saw that this URL from SinisterSoft game (
https://deluxepixel.com/players/zombierocks/) works well... so strange. I just want to be sure that I didn't miss something or that it's not an issue from latest release.
In another way, I think that it's not really an problemthat I have to complain because... everyone use Chrome (or safari). Users of other browsers are only a niche. But I like to be confident with my product and masters all the aspects that can be checked easily. So, if you have a solution...
2. In the same kind of issue, when I open the web inspector, I saw a lot of errors in the console that, of course, I don't understand as they are from the JS (a language I don't speak) and about the structure of files around the HTML5 export... I know that these errors doesn't block the project as it works well in Edge but as I already told, I would prefer a page without errors (does it exist ? lol)
3. Last, is there a solution to simplify the integration of the
2. This is worse than you think, since different browsers will issue different warnings
3. You could just edit the generated index.html and css styles, maybe ?
Likes: jimlev
2. Thanks, it helps
3. this is hell
Another point I will need soon. After loading, my game needs to get some params from a SQL table. Is there a (quite detailed) tuto anywhere that I missed ?
Likes: MoKaLux
SinisterSoft: “ I don't create classes that much - classes are good for making things simpler but imho for frame rate they are also death by a thousand cuts.”
Totebo: “ Best quote ever.”