let me 'up' this one, it can be lost easily among the other things. the lagging concerns everybody i think, the indentation also, the rest mostly only people wanting to keep zerobrane studio as an ide.
I can't tell, I don't suffer from any lagging. Can other confirm ?
perhaps you need a long file, i have one with 5000 lines. now i tested and e.g. pressing down to scroll over the file, the first time it needs to shift what is visible on the screen there is a hiccup.
It is probably not the code checking, since it is done asynchronously in another thread, and also since you disabled it. So probably scintilla itself. I'll try to find a big file, but mine are usually less than 1000 lines.
perhaps you need a long file, i have one with 5000 lines. now i tested and e.g. pressing down to scroll over the file, the first time it needs to shift what is visible on the screen there is a hiccup.
Generated 17k lines file, no problems for me... i7 8700
some issues: editor is lagging a lot, it is unbearable to use it. even if i turn off type and syntax checking its the same. btw one more feature of zbs that i like a lot is the 'correct indentation' thingy, which is missing from gideros studio.
no editor lags on my side, windows 10 64bit
some indentations do not work as previous gideros (for example with if else end) I need to change my habits
You need to mark the require()-ed files as --!NOEXEC, because by default Gideros merges all files in a single one and execute them all. So basically require is not needed in Gideros if the files are already in the project.
EDIT: You can also try to enable the 'load Main.lua only' option in the project settings, as it disable files loading and merging and only run main.lua
Generally, marking as --!NOEXEC solves old examples. It would be helpful explaining with a explanatory forum entry for veteran Gideros users. For @Jesder examples: https://github.com/biorhythmgames/giderossamples We need to change this line local tablex = require('core.tablex') to local tablex = require('core/tablex') or for another example local t = dofile("phrase.lst") to local t = loadfile("phrase.lua")() marking as --!NOEXEC, gfind to gmatch conversion, excluding bit.band from files, adding dataSaver(as Gideros class) etc. Of course there's no rush for these things right now.
setting to do not execute in the project properties of that file is good as well?
You mean --right clik on lua file and checking "Excluding from Execution"-- or editing the .gproj file manually?
I often do -right clik on lua file and checking "Excluding from Execution" unless necessary then I use --noexec! thing
(at)hito9 thanks for the github link I totally forgot about this one and this may come very handy for my project + big up for fixing the code for new luau! thank you hito9
I often do -right clik on lua file and checking "Excluding from Execution" unless necessary then I use --noexec! thing
(at)hito9 thanks for the github link I totally forgot about this one and this may come very handy for my project + big up for fixing the code for new luau! thank you hito9
Thank you for your reply and you are welcome I want to understand Gideros internals a little bit but have no skills. At least I'm trying to ask the right questions for now, I appreciate (at)hgy29 his multiple perspectives
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
I always wanted to turn off compact code folding option, and now I made it myself)))
compact - ON (default): Compact - OFF:
But there is a small bug when you switch from compact to non compact mode (all folded empty lines will not be visible, but if you reopen file, everything OK). @hgy29 do you know how I can "refresh" folding mechanism?
require function is changed a bit, its missing arguments here:
GParticles project updated. Note that I added modified version of "require" in "init.lua".
The Player has crashed with your modified require2. I think, I have to wait for the next release cos your commit will be available for the next release?
Does this change apply to the default Gideros theme? How can we fix this for the default theme?
EDIT:@rrraptor If possible, Can you add editing functionalities to the Studio for json and glsl files with scintilla highlighting? It doesn't matter if it takes a lot of effort
further smaller notes, but i think this is a significant issue nevertheless: -mac export increased in size considerably (80mb->180mb or something like that), if i zip it its size still doubled (approx 37mb->74mb) -win export also increased (55mb->80mb), even if zipped (approx 20mb->30mb)
i don't want to be ungrateful and i see the enthusiasm but so far i see a lot of things that are worse in luau version (and they may be the same even after the small bugs are fixed, which i'm not complaining about of course) - e.g. lagging, big size, lack of debug in zbs and otherwise - but i don't really see the advantages (i know i've asked this before, but again i'm not sure the change was/is worth).
overall i hope the major issues will be workarounded (lagging, zbs debugging) and so i can keep having fun with my favorite toy, but right now i feel a bit like they took many of the joy out of it for me without asking first.
@keszegh I had the same feeling when trying new gideros luau, so many things had changed and wouldn't work as I was used to, I was a bit frustrated (they had broken my favorite toy ). This is indeed a very BIG step forward for Gideros and this required (requires) a lot of work from the devs, I think we just need to give them some time (and if possible help them).
Plus I would add that Gideros devs are listenning and Gideros always got better and better after each releases without breaking our beloved projects!!!
This last release needs just a bit longer to be perfect and I have no doubt about it being the BEST Gideros we ever had
@keszegh I had the same feeling when trying new gideros luau, so many things had changed and wouldn't work as I was used to, I was a bit frustrated (they had broken my favorite toy ). This is indeed a very BIG step forward for Gideros and this required (requires) a lot of work from the devs, I think we just need to give them some time (and if possible help them).
Plus I would add that Gideros devs are listenning and Gideros always got better and better after each releases without breaking our beloved projects!!!
This last release needs just a bit longer to be perfect and I have no doubt about it being the BEST Gideros we ever had
yes, i have high hopes, indeed gideros community and devs are as cool as it can be. but right now i'm quite annoyed by not being able to use many of the features i was used to.
The Player has crashed with your modified require2. I think, I have to wait for the next release cos your commit will be available for the next release?
Maybe it is something else? LUA function should not ruin the player Maybe something wrong with loading "init.lua"... You can try to load only main.lua: And then "require" all files manualy?
Create *.qss file with text I posted, then: select this file and thats it. Gideros will use this theme automatically on startup.
Yes, your solution fixed the outline pane flickering problem. Flicker reappears after changing theme by "Reset UI and Editor theme" We should find a solution for (at)elves and everyone too in Studio code.
@hgy29 what intendation style you are using?) Tabs or spaces? I see that it is mostly spaces, but sometimes I see tabs I used to use tabs, but I can switch if needed.
btw in the outline window in zbs i can see local functions as well within the class functions, which is quite useful i think (especially in my imgui class which is just one very long onenterframe function, this gives some points of references). gideros studio outline could have the same option.
@hgy29 what intendation style you are using?) Tabs or spaces? I see that it is mostly spaces, but sometimes I see tabs I used to use tabs, but I can switch if needed.Ty
I'm used to using tabs. @rrraptor pls ignore GParticles error, it looks like wine specific error.The Player hangs though, but not constantly. tested your simple hightlighter it is useful
talking about the editor, would it be possible to assign a key (preferably F5) to 'start a local player and run the app in it', this is just so convenient in zbs. ty
now i tested and e.g. pressing down to scroll over the file, the first time it needs to shift what is visible on the screen there is a hiccup.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
i7 8700
Likes: keszegh
Likes: hito9
but everything fine. But when I have big file, Im getting a tons of messages:
Maybe its my specific build?)
I havent touched any events, only styling stuff.
Likes: hgy29, MoKaLux
some indentations do not work as previous gideros (for example with if else end) I need to change my habits
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
local tablex = require('core.tablex') to local tablex = require('core/tablex')
or for another example
local t = dofile("phrase.lst") to local t = loadfile("phrase.lua")() marking as --!NOEXEC, gfind to gmatch conversion, excluding bit.band from files, adding dataSaver(as Gideros class) etc. Of course there's no rush for these things right now. You means --right clik on lua file and checking "Excluding from Execution"-- or editing the .gproj file manually?
(at)hito9 thanks for the github link I totally forgot about this one and this may come very handy for my project + big up for fixing the code for new luau! thank you hito9
Likes: hito9
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: hito9
compact - ON (default):
Compact - OFF:
But there is a small bug when you switch from compact to non compact mode (all folded empty lines will not be visible, but if you reopen file, everything OK).@hgy29 do you know how I can "refresh" folding mechanism?
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
-mac export increased in size considerably (80mb->180mb or something like that), if i zip it its size still doubled (approx 37mb->74mb)
-win export also increased (55mb->80mb), even if zipped (approx 20mb->30mb)
i don't want to be ungrateful and i see the enthusiasm but so far i see a lot of things that are worse in luau version (and they may be the same even after the small bugs are fixed, which i'm not complaining about of course) - e.g. lagging, big size, lack of debug in zbs and otherwise - but i don't really see the advantages (i know i've asked this before, but again i'm not sure the change was/is worth).
overall i hope the major issues will be workarounded (lagging, zbs debugging) and so i can keep having fun with my favorite toy, but right now i feel a bit like they took many of the joy out of it for me without asking first.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
This is indeed a very BIG step forward for Gideros and this required (requires) a lot of work from the devs, I think we just need to give them some time (and if possible help them).
Plus I would add that Gideros devs are listenning and Gideros always got better and better after each releases without breaking our beloved projects!!!
This last release needs just a bit longer to be perfect and I have no doubt about it being the BEST Gideros we ever had
Likes: SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
select this file and thats it. Gideros will use this theme automatically on startup.
You can try to load only main.lua:
And then "require" all files manualy?
Likes: MoKaLux, hgy29, SinisterSoft, hito9
Export to html5 does not work
@keszegh can you download and tell if you have lags?)
P.S. I know that if you highlight a word and move cursor to any brace it wont reset. Will be fixed )
Likes: MoKaLux, hito9
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: rrraptor
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game