Ok, I think a separated thread is required
@hgy29 so, I tried to build ui project, but no luck. Fixed
#include < ScintillaEdit/ScintillaEdit.h >
header error, but got another one:
#include < Qsci/qsciscintilla.h >
I thought that it should be using new "Scintilla" lib. I guess output widget is using "qscintilla" or something else?
Then I decided to use make file.
Installed packages using "pacman", downloaded android NDK, SDK, java, NSIS, sign tool and steam SDK. Skipped EMScripten, since I dont need it (or do I?), configured Makefile.def, and called
make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qtapp.intall |
First, I got "steam_api.h" is missing, but seems like it is not required (I mean, I can build gideros without it?), then I got an error says something like "dll is required" when it tries to compile something that uses
GReferenced (sorry, I cant post detailed log right now...), and I gave up for now
For steam, since you downloaded it, you can reference it in your Makefile.def as follow:
First steps to build the Gideros, after setting up the Makefile.def are:
make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qtapp.intall
Ah, about QT installation for the studio, you'll need QT 6.2.2 with mingw 9.0.0, Qt 5 compatibility module, and following additional Qt libraries: Qt Multimedia and Qt Websockets
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
Not this:
must be
@hgy29 I had to add
Likes: hgy29, MoKaLux, hito9
Does not work with scintilla & lexilla. Is says that it is already exist, but there is only empty folder.
Probably because of ignored .submodule file?
I am trying to build gideros luau on my windows 10 64bit machine
When doing pacman –S base-devel, it says there are 19 members in group, which one do I choose?
1) mingw-w64-i686-binutils 2) mingw-w64-i686-crt-git
3) mingw-w64-i686-gcc 4) mingw-w64-i686-gcc-ada
5) mingw-w64-i686-gcc-fortran 6) mingw-w64-i686-gcc-libgfortran
7) mingw-w64-i686-gcc-libs 8) mingw-w64-i686-gcc-objc
9) mingw-w64-i686-gdb 10) mingw-w64-i686-gdb-multiarch
11) mingw-w64-i686-headers-git 12) mingw-w64-i686-libgccjit
13) mingw-w64-i686-libmangle-git 14) mingw-w64-i686-libwinpthread-git
15) mingw-w64-i686-make 16) mingw-w64-i686-pkgconf
17) mingw-w64-i686-tools-git 18) mingw-w64-i686-winpthreads-git
19) mingw-w64-i686-winstorecompat-git
I would pick 17?
EDIT: I think this is for pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-toolchain or pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-glew not for pacman –S base-devel
Likes: MoKaLux
During my exploration I came across this:
C:\dev\scintilla-master\qt\ScintillaEditBase\ScintillaEditBase.cpp:335: warning: 'QPoint QMouseEvent::globalPos() const' is deprecated: Use globalPosition()
and I was able to change it to:
globalPosition().toPoint() https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/qmouseevent-obsolete.html
But that's it, I cannot compile any Gideros yet
PS: I started a wiki page with my experiments https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php/Compiling_Gideros_Luau_Source
I also "compiled" all your posts with hgy29 in a libreoffice .doc and I am trying to mix what you said with the old wiki.
For NSIS do I simply install the exe?
For Sign Tool does it come with Visual Studio Community 2022? I need to install the package to develop for desktop to have the Sign Tool?
When I have compiled the dll for Scintilla and Lexilla (release and debug) where do I put them?
Thank you
PS: can't wait for the highlighting code you did
Likes: MoKaLux
make scripts/Makefile.gid qlexilla
Now you should have "Lexilla.h" in a folder:
Next, open at project
You can build both debug & release versions, but if dont want to mess with gideros sources, then you can have only release version
uncheck "Shadow build"
Hit CTRL+B (or Menu->Build->Build project "ScintillaEdit")
Same for
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
EDIT: tried without any luck but at least I tried
EDIT: made some progress see below posts from rrraptor
cd gideros
Then the first steps to build Gideros are:
make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qscintilla
make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qlexilla
make -f scripts/Makefile.gid versioning
The first part up to configure script seemed pretty straight forward.
My biggest problems were in part 3) Building Gideros. Scintilla and lexilla although I could successfully compile them inside Qt 6.2.3, I didn't know what to do with them. The commands didn't work for me.
That was still a good experience and something of a wiki has been started
Will try another day, another time
Try to use this: \msys64\usr\bin\mintty.exe
what can I do about this:
Minimal steps:
1) Install QT (with all packages required)
2) Install MSYS2 (https://www.msys2.org/)
2a) pacman -Syu
2b) pacman -S make
2c) pacman -S git
3) git clone https://github.com/gideros/gideros gideros_dev
4) Create Makefile.def in scripts folder:
6) make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qlexilla
7) make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qscintilla
Likes: MoKaLux
$ cd /c/dev/gideros_dev
5) make -f scripts/Makefile.gid prep.repo WORKED
xxx@DESKTOP-XXX MSYS /c/dev/gideros_dev
$ make -f scripts/Makefile.gid prep.repo
if [ ! -d ./plugins/spine/spine-runtimes/spine-c ]; then \
Cloning into '/c/dev/gideros_dev/plugins/spine/spine-runtimes'...
fatal: Failed to add submodule 'plugins/spine/spine-runtimes'
Resolving deltas: 100% (35364/35364), done.
git submodule update --recursive
6) make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qlexilla -
$ make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qlexilla
cd ./lexilla/src; qmake Lexilla.pro
/bin/sh: line 1: qmake: command not found
make: *** [/c/dev/gideros_dev/scripts//GidQtWin.mk:85: qlexilla] Error 127
7) make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qscintilla -
NOTWORKING FOR ME!$ make -f scripts/Makefile.gid qscintilla
cd ./scintilla/qt/ScintillaEdit; qmake ScintillaEdit.pro
/bin/sh: line 1: qmake: command not found
make: *** [/c/dev/gideros_dev/scripts//GidQtWin.mk:79: qscintilla] Error 127
This is GidQtWin.mk
cd $(ROOT)/lexilla/src; $(QMAKE) Lexilla.pro # this is line 85
cd $(ROOT)/scintilla/qt/ScintillaEdit; $(QMAKE) ScintillaEdit.pro # this is line 79
So it looks like QMAKE is the problem for me!
I am uninstalling Qt 6.2.3 and go with Qt 6.2.2 see what I can do.
Viva Gideros!