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setTextureCoordinate() crashes after so many items in array — Gideros Forum

setTextureCoordinate() crashes after so many items in array

JohnJohn Member
edited January 16 in Bugs and issues
I'm writing one of those circular progress bars using mesh and it works fine until adding around 47th item. Each loop I call clearTextureCoordinateArray() before calling a series of setTextureCoordinate() which eventually crashes.

If I add resizeTextureCoordinateArray() after the clear then it all works fine.


According to this page:https://wiki.giderosmobile.com/index.php/Mesh:setTextureCoordinate

Indices start from 1. If the texture coordinate array is not large enough, it is automatically expanded.

That does not seem to be the case here.


  • https://wiki.gideros.rocks/index.php/Mesh
    the Mesh class doesn't do bounds check: if an element at index array points to an non-existent vertex, the application may crash

    That may be the issue here?
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • JohnJohn Member
    If it was then I doubt self.m_timerMesh:resizeTextureCoordinateArray(200) would fix that particular problem. Also, if I don't use texture at all that too work fine and so the vertex and index are correct and it visually looks correct too without any crashes.
  • JohnJohn Member
    I'll post some code if it not reproducible - I am a little too busy at the moment and I need to extract it from full project with minimum amount of code / images.

    Likes: MoKaLux, hgy29

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  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    I reviewed current Gideros code and it could crash if:
    - you attempt to set texture coordinate at an index below 1 (I will add a check for this in the code, but I doubt this is your issue)
    - your indices array contains an index pointing outside your texture (or vertex, or color) array while rendering the frame. This is the case @MoKaLux mentionned.

    So since your clear your texture coordinates and fill them up afterwise, do you also clear your index array at the same time ?
  • JohnJohn Member
    I've managed to replicate it without texture being involved so there is no images required. If you run this code, it works first time and on the second attempt it crashes. It is probably something in my code, still you may want to check it out to make sure it isn't something else. I ended up doing it a different way without using mesh in the end.
    cSpawnPoint = Core.class(Sprite)
    function cSpawnPoint:init(screen)
        local mypixel = Pixel.new(0x0000FF, 1, 1024, 1024)
    	mypixel:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
        self:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
    	self.m_textureTimerOffsetX = 0
    	self.m_textureTimerOffsetY = 0
        self.m_textureTimerW = 300
    	self.m_textureTimerH = 300
        self.m_timerMesh = Mesh.new()
        self.m_timerMesh:setAnchorPoint(0.5, 0.5)
        self.m_timerMesh:setPosition(0, 0)
    	self:setPosition(0, 0)
        self.m_x = 0
        self.m_y = 0
    	self.m_tick = 0
    	self:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, self.timer, self)
    function cSpawnPoint:timer()
    	self.m_tick += (1 / 120)
    	if self.m_tick > 1 then
    		self.m_tick = 1
    		self:removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, self.timer, self)
    function cSpawnPoint:createTimerMesh(timer)
    	print("Processing timer:",timer)
        local xPos = 0
        local yPos = 0
        local outerRadius = (self.m_textureTimerW / 2)
        local innerRadius = outerRadius - 25
        local radius1 = innerRadius
        local radius2 = outerRadius
        local tau = math.pi * 2
        local segmentStart = 0.0
        local segmentEnd = tau * timer
        local quarterOfCircle = math.pi * 0.5
        local endOfCircle = tau
        segmentStart -= quarterOfCircle
        segmentEnd -= quarterOfCircle
        endOfCircle -= quarterOfCircle
        self:drawSegmentedCircle(0xffffff, xPos, yPos, segmentStart, segmentEnd, radius1, radius2)
    function cSpawnPoint:drawSegmentedCircle(ARGB, xPos, yPos, segmentStart, segmentEnd, radius1, radius2)
        local tau = (math.pi * 2)
        local quadarantSmoothness = tau / 90
        self.m_meshIndex = 1
        self:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, radius1, segmentStart)
        self:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, radius2, segmentStart)
        local odd = false
        segmentStart += quadarantSmoothness
        local r
        while (segmentStart < segmentEnd) do
            r = odd and radius2 or radius1
            self:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, r, segmentStart)
            segmentStart += quadarantSmoothness
            odd = not odd
    	r = odd and radius2 or radius1
    	self:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, r, segmentEnd)
    	r = odd and radius1 or radius2
    	self:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, r, segmentEnd)
    	local z = 1
        for i = 1, self.m_meshIndex - 3 do
            self.m_timerMesh:setIndex(z, i)
            self.m_timerMesh:setIndex(z + 1, i + 1)
            self.m_timerMesh:setIndex(z + 2, i + 2)
    		print(z, i, self.m_timerMesh:getIndex(z), self.m_timerMesh:getIndex(z + 1), self.m_timerMesh:getIndex(z + 2))
    		z += 3
        print("Setup complete: self.m_meshIndex=", self.m_meshIndex - 3, "m_timerMesh:getIndexArraySize()=", self.m_timerMesh:getIndexArraySize(), "m_timerMesh:getVertexArraySize()=", self.m_timerMesh:getVertexArraySize(), "(self.m_meshIndex - 3) * 3=", (self.m_meshIndex - 3) * 3)
    function cSpawnPoint:addCircleVertextPoint(xPos, yPos, radius, radians)
        local x = xPos + math.cos(radians) * radius
        local y = yPos + math.sin(radians) * radius
        self.m_timerMesh:setVertex(self.m_meshIndex, x, y)
    	local vx, vy = self.m_timerMesh:getVertex(self.m_meshIndex)
    	print(self.m_meshIndex, vx, x, vy, y)
        self.m_meshIndex += 1
    function main()
    	stage:setPosition( 1024 / 2, 768 / 2)

    Likes: MoKaLux

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  • MoKaLuxMoKaLux Member
    edited January 19
    John said:

    If you run this code, it works first time and on the second attempt it crashes.

    I tried your code and it didn't crash even the second time (relaunched from Gideros Studio).

    There is also this one from hgy29 that may suit your needs?

    EDIT: I am on windows 11
    my growING GIDEROS github repositories: https://github.com/mokalux?tab=repositories
  • JohnJohn Member
    I've already created an alternative solution for this progress bar - Ta. I've updated to latest Gideros and it still crashes. This is on the Mac by the way so maybe this may explain why it works for you if you are on a different OS and not for me? I'll post the crash report if the popup reappear. At the moment it doesn't show anything - probably due to crashing too many times.
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